How To Improve Storytime For Preschoolers?


Storytelling can be very hard, and on the other hand, one must learn to utilize storytime efficiently so as to help kids grow with fun and knowledge. However, it is very hard to engage toddlers in such an event. Storytime for kids has never been easy, and it becomes even harder when you fail to interact with the toddlers, and the story is not that engaging and attractive.

Hence here in this article, we are going to tell you some ways by which you can improve storytime for toddlers and help them to have fun and learn valuable lessons at the same time.

  • Ask the parents to be more attentive.

It is a very evident fact that a grown-up won’t be interested in a toddler’s storytime. There are different preschool storytime sessions that get wasted because the parents are not very attentive. Managing toddlers is not that easy without help. Parents can provide the best help to a teacher or to a storytime teller. Hence you must ask the parents to be more enthusiastic so as to promote their kids’ involvement in the storytime.

  • Select your stories and crafts very carefully

One must remember the fact that they are dealing with toddlers. Kids lose their patience very easily, and hence you must select the craft which is very easy and comparatively quick to finish. Once the kid gets involved, the entire session becomes very easy. Similarly, you must know the likes and dislikes of your kids regarding the selection of stories at the storytime.

  • Improve the learning skills and ask them to practice

A storytime session can never be successful if the kids don’t practice learning skills. The parents and the Teachers have to perform their roles to help in getting better with the situation.

  • Picture book with fewer words

To get the toddlers involved in the session and learn from it, one needs to grab their attention. Kids love to watch and connect with the animations drawn in the picture book. With more colorful and joyful characters, it is easy for the kid to feel what the character is going through. Once the kids start to think and imagine this way during storytime with a picture book, you can easily build up the session. A lot of words can really be very confusing and boring, and the toddlers can easily get distracted.

  • Games can always do the work.

You must realize the zone where the kids are getting disconnected from the story. One can use this zone and incorporate some games related to the story so as to bring back the attention of the kids. One can try simple games at storytime for kids.


Above in this article, we have mentioned some of the best ways by which you can boost the storytime for toddlers and kids. We understand the fact that it is not easy to deal with kids during the storytime, and we expect that the above-given preschool storytime ideas might help.