Data Loose Prevention Techniques In Cloud Computing Security



In this digital world, the face of Information Technology has been changed by continuously evolving technology. Those days are gone when a company needs to allocate its resources for data handling and data management.

At the beginning of cloud computing, the level of data management of IT in every company reached another advanced level.

Although cloud computing security is still under the progress of long scrutiny. One of the best approaches for cloud computing is data loss prevention techniques. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the techniques of data loss prevention in cloud computing security.

What Is Data Loss Prevention?

Data loss prevention is also known as information loss prevention, data leak prevention, and so on. It is mainly a strategy to ease the threats and offensiveness to any complicated data. DLP, or data loss prevention, is generally incorporated in the organization’s overall planning of data security.

In this case, to prevent data loss, many software and data privacy tools have been used to prevent any third-party unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Generally, data loss prevention techniques classify several content types and apply automated protection services. A several-layered DLP strategy ensures that it remains safe behind the network firewall.

Data Loose Prevention Techniques In Cloud Computing Security

Below we have mentioned the techniques of DLP in cloud computing security and also why data loss prevention is important

1)  Data Loss Prevention Policies

It is recommendable to classify the data into several categories and then incorporate the policies based on accessibility and ownership.

Suppose your organization has some important and essential data. Therefore it will be categorized as important data which can be only accessed by management personnel and other higher rank officers.

On the other hand, other data which are not so important then will be segmented as less important data. In this case, the information can only be accessed by other employees of your organization. In this way, it will be easy for you to monitor and access the data.

2) Security Authentication:

Another important technique of data loss prevention is security authentication. Security threat is a significant concern that can interrupt the cloud computing services of your business. The data that has been fed into the servers is very important and vital.

In this case, if confidential data is remotely accessible across the globe, then it will no longer be private data. Data loss can happen for various reasons, such as virtual malware infection, security breaches with business partners and customers, and so on.

Apart from that, if there is no restriction on data usage from the customers’ end, then it could pose data theft also. Therefore it is important to incorporate data loss prevention techniques for cloud computing to work effectively.

3) Data Loss Prevention Software

It is important to use DLP software because it monitors and formulates policies and detects data security threats. The DLP software mainly depends on the technology of the organization that has been used.

Apart from that, it is essential to interconnect the company’s devices with each other. Nowadays, it is necessary to create data loss prevention software in the workplace.

The software of DLP is also available in CASB solutions which can regulate and monitor cloud applications.

4) Quality Security:

In case you have trusted a third party which is a cloud service provider, your complicated and confidential data will get security. In this case, a cloud service provider is able to identify the possible security risk that can occur at any time.

Therefore they will provide a solution in the form of data loss prevention. Organizations can detect any upcoming time data breaches can happen. Not only that, but data breaches can happen for excessive network traffic, or if data is left on the server, and so on.

So it is important to incorporate data loss prevention methods in any size of organization, whether it is small, big, or individual.

5) Regular Audits:  

While you are pursuing a business, it is important to monitor regular data audits. Therefore it can easily be prevented from data loss. The organization’s sensitive data is vulnerable to many factors, such as updating the existing applications used by any newly joined employee and many more. In this case, the company can detect the data by monitoring it 24*7.


We have mentioned the data loss prevention best practices above in this article. The thing is, you have to be alert while you are dealing with your company’s confidential data.

In this technologically advanced world, there is no lack of cyber hackers and criminals. In just one blink of an eye, everything can happen in the world of the internet and computer services. Therefore you have to keep ready your organization’s compliance and regulatory policies.

We hope you found this article helpful. In case you have doubts, please comment below.

Author Bio

Doron is a passionate blogger. He loves to share her thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. He can write Multiniche topics such as Tech, Travel, Tourism, Business, Food, Health, Game, Gadgets, Fashion, Law and many more. Steve is associated with  Worldtech24,