Future of IT Industry after Covid 19

Future of IT Industry

The Covid 19 pandemic has disturbed the flow of the global market in an erratic way during 2020. When the whole world was fighting against the Covid 19, the economic conditions of the nations fell drastically. People lost their lives, jobs, companies lost their shares, business connections disrupted and what not. There was scarcity of the hospital’s beds, vaccines, Intensive care units and ambulances. The whole world shook down with the first wave of covid 19.

But with the help of the government agencies and concerned authorities, the whole world united and stood up to fight back Covid 19. Many nations have returned to their normal activities, but still many nations are struggling and fighting with the successive waves of Covid 19.

Examples of the Impacts on the Global economy due to Covid 19 are:

  •       Export Imports of the commodities between nations have been disrupted
  •       Unemployment rate increased as the number of worker working industries had to be reduced
  •       The share markets went down drastically
  •       Private and non private oil sectors weakened
  •       Diamond trade units suffered loss
  •       Micro-finance sectors had to struggle
  •       Business through the sea ways also were disrupted

Micro-finance sectors had to struggle

As we have mentioned earlier, the Covid 19 pandemic has disturbed the normal business activities of many organizations and institutions all over the globe and even in India; many institutions and organizations are finding it difficult to maintain the profit margin that they had earlier. Many organizations had to change their line of business, and had to include new ways of business activities.

But despite the disturbances that Covid 19 pandemic imposed on the world, the IT sectors did not stop or slow down. The IT sectors have devised various new methods of working during these pandemic situations. Since the majority of their activities are associated with the digital world i.e. the online mood of working, they have overcome the problems of situations like lockdown and all. During those periods of lockdown the employees were carrying out their daily activities by staying at their homes itself. The conferences and meetings were held over the online platforms.  Infact, in many cases it has been seen that the work efficiencies have increased a lot.

But despite the disturbances

Let us discuss some important points related to Post Covid 19 results and impact on the IT sectors:

  1.    Stress Testing became a part of the daily Schedule

IT sectors are always known for their strict scheduling and no escape from work rules. They always maintain that decorum at any cost. The employees had to complete their responsibilities or tasks on time. The IT professionals and the service providers earlier had to conduct the business systems stress testing from time to time.  But during the global pandemic situation when IT sectors kept their activities work from home, these kinds of stress testing systems have become a daily routine for them.

  1.     The process of shifting to Clouds will eventually increase

Before the Covid 19 pandemic situations appeared before the IT sectors, they had been slowly transferring the hardware which were on-premises to the Cloud. But even then , statistics say that most of the businesses have transferred only 20% of their workloads to Cloud and the rest 80% left with on-premises legacy solutions. It has caused difficulties and problems in the capability of several institutions or organizations to reshuffle the resources in order to support or help the workers who were not ordered to work outside of their offices.

So after the global pandemic situation gets back to normal there is full probability that the organizations are going to transfer the remaining workloads to Cloud.

  1.     Pliability will become the trend

Earlier the IT sectors were seen with their flexible working schedules and various policies that promoted remote work in order to improve the experience of the employees.

Now during the Covid 19 pandemic when the IT sectors are continuing their daily business activities, they are following the concept of more Pliability for the satisfaction of their employees and also to run their work smoothly. The employees of many IT sectors are working from home. All the tasks are being completed by staying at their home itself.

So after this pandemic situation returns to normal, the other businesses or organizations will also follow these IT based sector’s concepts of working. Experts have said that this will lead to the end of the PC era.

  1.     Companies are going to Pay for Redundancy

It has been observed that the existence of the solutions for the redundancy technologies have been considered as one of the main reasons behind the smooth functioning of the businesses.  So in Large network deployments the systems for network load stability and standby are mostly seen.

In the long run, mostly all kinds of businesses either small or big, are going to pay for the Redundancy that was reserved earlier for the enterprises.

  1.     Technology of Automation will Flourish

It has been seen that the companies which were introduced firstly with the technologies were in the form of software related to the marketing automation. With the advancement in Artificial Intelligence(AI) and the Robotic Process Automation(RPI), they have made their impact on the global business slowly. Large institutions and companies have started to imply those  systems in their organizations already.

After the Covid 19 pandemic gets over, there will be the possibility that the other organizations are also going to invest their money in adopting those advanced modes of technologies for smooth running of their business and reducing the worker load.