Oracle to MySQL Converter

Oracle to MySQL Converter

Although there are a number of advanced popular RDBMS available in the modern IT industry, Oracle and MySQL are the most widely used. Both database management systems come with wide range of extensions, add-ons, administration tools and programming APIs. Despite the fact that each tool has advantages of its own, MySQL is superior to Oracle in a few aspects. Many organizations will adopt MySQL databases without a second thought due to the following reasons:

  • MySQL license is less restrictive than Oracle
  • MySQL is basically open-source but offers affordable licenses with enterprise class support, while Oracle has a high cost of ownership

This is why many companies and organizations are looking for Oracle to MySQL converter to simplify and automate the migration procedure.

Undoubtedly, the manual procedure for migrating between Oracle and MySQL is intricate and sufficient to discourage the process. Additionally, human error may cause data loss or corruption. However, the best way to streamline the migration process is to use specialized software such as Oracle to MySQL converters at every stage of the overall process. This approach is referred to as automation and it can save a lot of time and resources, especially for large and complicated data warehouses.

Following this way Intelligent Converters, a software company working in database migration and synchronization field for more than 20 years, created automation tool called Oracle to MySQL converter.

This program looks promising among other similar tools due to the following reasons:

  1. Smooth and safe migration launched with just a few clicks of mouse buttons
  2. Efficient algorithms of direct reading and writing data that affects to extremely high performance
  3. All modern versions of Oracle and MySQL are supported including cloud solutions and forks
  4. Command line support is suitable for scripting and scheduling database migration
  5. Not only migration, but also synchronization and merging existing MySQL database with Oracle data
  6. Filtering data for migration through SELECT-queries allows the transformation of data before import into MySQL database.

For those cases when user need full control over customization of the database migration, Oracle to MySQL converter offers capabilities to modify name, type, NULLs and default values for every column of the selected table. This feature is called “edit table” and it also can be used to exclude particular columns from migration.

Oracle to MySQL converter can export the source database into script file containing SQL-statements to create tables and fill it with data for those cases where MySQL server does not accept remote connections. This method can be used to reach the following goals:

  • Export Oracle data into a local file in form of SQL-statements
  • Create statements for tables with the corresponding indexes and constraints
  • Fill tables with valid data handling the integrity

Script files generated by Oracle to MySQL converter can be imported to MySQL server using standard client tools like phpMyAdmin or mysql console client.

For phpMyAdmin select appropriate database name in the left pane and click on ‘SQL’ tab. Enter file name into the ‘Location of the textfile’ field or click ‘Browse’ button to locate it though a folder tree. Click ‘Go’ button to start importing SQL dump file into the database.

For MySQL console client (mysql) enter the following statement in the command line prompt:

mysql -h host -u user –p –vvf database_name < script_file