What Is Biometric Technology and How Can Marketers Use It?

Biometric Technology

When the statistical analysis is implemented on the biological data, it is termed as biometrics, a combination of two words, biology meaning life, and metrics meaning measurement. These characteristics and behaviors of people are used in various fields. Visual ads trigger a maximum reaction and attention; hence these are widely used rather than textual communication. This is the power of videos, and therefore people have started using online video editors to create effective visual messages for the masses.

Today you can find the wide implementation of biometric technology in different wearable devices and smartphones. Some uses include user identification and security features through fingerprint, facial recognition, scanning the iris, and similar things.

Importance of Biometric Technology in Marketing

Here is the essence of biometric technology in marketing:

1.  Innovation for customers by understanding them well:

The real-time interaction of customers with a website helps marketers to know their reaction when they will be physically visiting the shop. On this basis, the marketers can optimize the layout, design, and other such parameters to enhance the brand image, user experience, get better conversion rates, and stand out in tough competition with many satisfied customers.

Biometric technology helps marketers to understand the pain points of customers in a much better way for marketing success. Search engines are already crowded with data from various marketers, so it is important to grab the attention of the audience by catering to their requirements perfectly, which is where biometric technology helps us.

2  Biometric marketing provides reliable insights:

Human emotions play a major role in their purchasing decisions, and biometric technology provides data-driven insights that are quite accurate and helps marketers to identify the golden opportunities to enhance the ROI in their business, unlike traditional marketing techniques.

Uses of Biometric Technology in Marketing

The uses of biometric technology in marketing are as follows:

1. Eye tracking:

It enables the marketers to view their website from the existing or potential customers so that visual improvements can be made accordingly. Eye-tracking helps by measuring the optical movement and the visual attention of the viewers to answer questions like what do they seek in a website and which areas are often ignored. The visual attention to screen-based stimuli on desktop and mobile devices is recorded using the eye-tracking equipment, which is used to quantify the visual attention on desktop and mobile devices. Thus the key areas of interest are easily identified after viewing the amount of time spent, fixation sequence, areas of interest, and points of fixation and gazing,

2. Galvanic skin response or GSR:

These are sensors that are used for monitoring the alterations in sweat level and heart rate of a user. It helps a marketer to know the level of emotional arousal for some stimuli. A state of nervousness, stress, excitement, or scared situation leads to sweating and shortness of breath. So, with GSR technology, it is nearly impossible to know the exact emotions, but the intensity of a reaction can be known.

Low voltage is applied through non-invasive electrodes connected to a person’s skin so that a sensor can measure the electrical current between the electrodes. The data generated through this is combined with that from other biometric sources to get valuable outputs.

3. Analysing facial expression:

This is one of the vital indicators of our emotions, so advanced software helps the markets to capture the emotions and record them to get extraordinary insights about users. It can identify 7 different emotions, namely contempt, surprise, joy, anger, sadness, disgust, and fear.

A non-intrusive software does this in three simple steps, namely:

  • It is detecting the face of the subject through the camera on the phone or webcam on the laptop.
  • It identifies facial landmarks such as corners of the mouth, eyes, nose tip, and similar features.
  • The algorithm used by facial recognition software evaluates the movements in the face, such as curved mouth and furrows in the brow, for the categorization of implied emotion.

Facebook Ads and Biometric Technology

Biometric technology used in the ads on Facebook results in a successful exploration of the user’s experiences by knowing their psychological perspective when using Instagram. One such revelation is the inclination of users more towards the images than the texts coming in any ad.

When users find an ad interesting, they spend more time engaging with it. It was more seen on Instagram rather than feed on other platforms. So, marketers can use this guide for various Facebook Ads platforms in ways that can perfectly suit their marketing goals.

When every business firm tries to align its brand to the needs of their customers, they can experience increased attention and engagement in a shorter span.

Final words:

The various implementations of biometric technology have their benefits, but when all of them are combined, the outcome helps the marketers in a much better way to interpret the behavior of their customers and act accordingly.

GDR’s sophisticated technology, eye tracking, and analysis of facial expressions together create a significant outcome by identifying subconscious reactions that the users themselves are unaware of.

This has made traditional marketing methods redundant. So, when you want to get the best return on your investment, integrate the three biometric sensors’ results.

To implement these steps further, you can use editor tools like InVideo, it has various templates as per your preferences, and the tools and features are very easy to use. Do check them out.