Why should you do a netlinking campaign for your site?

In online business, the position of the website in the search results is very important. For this, different strategies must be adopted. Among these SEO techniques, web links are a method based on obtaining hyperlinks. Therefore, it is necessary to understand this approach and understand why it is important to optimize the visibility of the platform.

What is netlinking?

By definition, netlinking is a solution that allows you to obtain inbound backlinks. Its goal is to increase the number of visitors to the site, but the most important thing is to improve its natural citations. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct network link activities to collect links to online platforms. When setting up a referencing project, a network link is an essential operation. The effectiveness of this strategy is based on the duration of this network link activity. Since Google penalizes websites for a short period of time, the ideal approach is to focus on the long term.

If you want to do netlinking, contact us secuserv.ch.

SEO netlinking strategy

When it comes to backlinks (also known as inbound links), some people tend to forget about quality and prioritize quantity. Even if the number of these elements is low, their source will ensure a good natural reference. Additionally, links from popular websites equate to 10 low-quality links. In order to know the value of a link, several factors must be taken into account, in particular it must:

  • From a platform with quality SEO on Google;
  • Optimize by the existence of keywords;
  • From the “dofollow” page.

Why is netlinking important in SEO?

In fact, network links are an inevitable solution in natural quotes. The latter, also known as SEO or search engine optimization, helps build a website’s reputation. Here are some arguments that prove the importance of this network link strategy:

To have collaborators

The technique of obtaining links is very suitable for having many collaborators. For information, the computer programs of search engines crawl all kinds of content on the Internet every day. In principle, they determine the needs of Internet users by displaying quality websites. With the cooperation of these popular platforms, you will surely get high-quality links. The most common example is posting comments on blogs or other social platforms. This method allows you to share comments and get a link to the website.

To have a better place in the search results

You should know that the site was created to be visited. In order for Internet users to access it easily and frequently, it is necessary to rank among the best search results. Therefore, adding one or more quality links will impact rankings. Suppose two online platforms on the same theme have been designed. In order to distinguish them, Google will count the number of links to the site. This can take the form of guest posts, directories, social media shares, articles, or press releases. The more channels there are, the better your positioning will be.

Do you want to launch a website? Either create your own site if you have the skills to do it, or you outsource this work. Outsourcing has a lot of advantages. More precisely, there are a thousand and one reasons to outsource especially in African countries.

A project carried out at a lower cost

The first reason why European and American clients outsource their site creation project is the lower cost applied in African countries. However, it should not be abused and it is imperative to always take into account their know-how. If you entrust the creation of your site to an African country like Madagascar, the price is well twice lower than that applied in Europe. Europeans have a lot of taxes to allocate for their work.

A big time saver

Of course, you who outsource your site creation project in Africa, you benefit from a large saving of time. Indeed, you can concentrate as best as possible on your company, on increasing its notoriety, on competitive analysis, etc. Also, the time that you would have devoted to the creation of your site, it is the agency of your choice which assumes the responsibility.

What questions should I ask a web designer?

Similar companies have you worked with? How long have you been in business? How are you different? What are the ongoing average costs for customers? What is your project management methodology? What CMS are you developing on? Will my design be personalized? Do you provide accommodation and support? What are the next steps?

Platform and Technology Considerations

Unless you have a very specific requirement for a technology platform, you should discuss the options with potential vendors. A quality supplier should offer options, but beware of one who offers too many. If the vendor offers too many options, this may be a sign that they are not really focusing on the technology, which may indicate poor quality and future support issues.

SMO or social media optimization

In French, SMO means optimization for search engines. This practice is always to improve your SEO, but with the help of social media. It is the act of posting links from your site to your Facebook page, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

The more you share your site’s links on social media, the easier your target readers will find you. Each click on your link increases your site traffic.

CRO or Convertion Rate Optimization

Convertion Rate Optimization can mean conversion rate optimization in English. This mainly concerns online sales sites. Indeed, conversion rates essentially refer to the process of converting leads into customers.

Leads are none other than potential customers, that is, customers who are likely to make purchases. CRO requires a foolproof marketing method that can get visitors to buy your products.

SPLOG or blog spam

A technique of black hat SEO, blog spamming is a practice that aims to create a blog intended to publish a considerable amount of advertising. Such a blog is no longer a proper blog, because it does not respect SEO standards.

Google views this practice as an action to create a lot of spam. Hence the name blog spam or splog. In the context of a healthy and sustainable referencing, the splog is of no importance.