The internet is full of information. There are things to buy, articles to read, and videos to watch. With the internet, you can check your email, read the news, or teach yourself about a topic, whether that topic is cooking or software development. When you maintain a blog among other websites, it’s important to consider traffic. Traffic is in reference to the number of people who view your site. Traffic may also include things like time of day or incoming versus outgoing links.
Why Is Traffic Important?
As trivial as it may seem, traffic is very important for the wellbeing of your business because it determines how many people are actually viewing your site. If your site fails to receive traffic, then it may as well not exist. Traffic guarantees the success of a site or blog because traffic indicates the presence of views and subscribers. The more subscribers or viewers you have, the more likely it is that a search engine will display your site over other sites. Traffic begets traffic, so you need only worry about traffic when you start your site. Otherwise, it takes care of itself, though there are other items that complement traffic.
Sharing on Social Media
While waiting for traffic to accumulate, it’s important to consider sharing things on social media that lead to your site. Different people are on different media, so it’s important to use all social media outlets to promote your site. All a viewer needs to do is click on the link to view your site. Even if that viewer does not want to see your site, that qualifies as a view, thereby advancing, which is all you need. In 2022, using social media is the best way to reach an expansive modern audience, so make sure you make a good investment.
The Beauty of Backlinks
Sharing on social media accomplishes little without backlinks. Without regard to the content of a certain social media post, backlinks are the actual links in the written post that viewers can click on. Every social media outlet offers different ways to share links, but make sure links go to different parts of your site. You don’t necessarily want every link going directly to your homepage. You might want to branch out and offer links to a contact form, an about section, or a blog section if not a specific blog post. Still, any link is a good link. Make your social media post inviting enough for people to click on the link, and you will have your views in no time.
How Can I Gauge The Effectiveness of My Post?
Believe it or not, there are lots of tools out there that can help you figure out whether your social media post is attractive to certain viewers. One such tool is a word counter. With a word counter, you can count words, characters, sentences, pages, and individual pages. A word counter can also offer spell check capabilities and grammatical capabilities. Writers may use a word counter to improve both style of writing and choice of words. Word counters detect grammatical errors very well, by the way. A word counter can also discern how long it would take to read your piece of writing aloud. This is, of course, handy for giving a speech or making a recording for a video. To use a word counter, simply visit one in your browser and start typing in whatever field a site offers. The interface’s information will update as you type things into the field. Word counts and character counts will change immediately, and most frequently used keywords may also be displayed.
Generally, longer articles will attract more views because there will necessarily be more instances of keywords than there would otherwise be. The phenomenon of employing keywords in the interest of promoting a product is referred to as search engine optimization or SEO.
Whatever word counter you use, be sure to bookmark the page with the field on it for more accessible future use. Some of these utilities are so specific as to compare your text’s length to other standards across the web. For example, since a tweet is limited to 280 characters at the time of writing, a word counter may, as a reminder, juxtapose that limit next to the number of characters you wrote, discerning whether your post is capable of being a tweet. The list of examples continues with the average length of a Facebook post, which is 250 characters, and Google meta descriptions, which are about 300 characters long. If you are struggling to attract people to your site, and you have made an effort to write attractive posts with backlinks, then you ought to consider consulting a word counter.