Best Shopify website designers in Vancouver

Shopify is the most popular Saas ecommerce platform in the world. From year to year, the number of people who use its opportunities increases significantly. Currently, we can talk about the number of over a million online stores built on the basis of the Shopify engine.

By far the most interested people can be found abroad, but also for users in Vancouver, Shopify has prepared many amenities. The intuitiveness of the software makes it worth investing in. Shopify is an easy-to-use e-commerce platform open to the Vancouver market – integrated with the Vancouver payment system – with easy access to basic functionalities that even a non-technical person can handle. Thanks to this, running a store and positioning based on the Shopify engine will be trouble-free. If you want a Shopify website designer in Vancouver or you want to be a Shopify website designer then you are at the right place.


Despite the fact that Shopify is operated in English, it is a very easy-to-use platform. The creators made sure that each user quickly found themselves in the available options and could easily use all the functions. This is a definite advantage of the software. We do not need to have specialist knowledge to start operating and start your online store.


One of the first steps in setting up our store will probably be adding new products and creating corresponding categories. After logging in to the panel on the left, we will have a menu with all options available, including Products , which, after clicking, will expand to us and the All products item will appear – responsible for product management and the Collections item , where we will create categories.


An inseparable element of every online store positioning process is the creation of interesting, correct and, above all, effective title and meta description tags. In the case of Shopify, the solution is very transparent to use. Just enter a given category or product edition card, and we will be able to easily correct the title and enter the meta description created by us.

If we did not correct ourselves, Shopify will generate such a title tag for us by default in the form of Product Name / Category Name. But there is nothing to prevent us from entering the title whatever we think will be the most appropriate.

The situation is a bit different with the title and meta description tags for the home page. In this case, we have to select Online Store in the menu options on the left , and then the Preferences option. Then we will see the fields that we can supplement with the missing data.


Unfortunately, Shopify’s default settings in this regard aren’t flexible. Our title, which we complete above the product description field, is both the name of our product, which appears on the list of a given category, and the header generated on subpages, by default of the h1 type.

The situation is better with category names. In this case, title will only show as braedcrumbs. Which does not change the fact that it is worth rethinking the names of products and categories. Positioning of online stores should be transparent for Google and logical for the website user.


As we know, the description itself is not everything that should appear on the product cards. Photos are what our brain perceives in the first place, and the right quality, well-made, can significantly contribute to the increase in sales. Thanks to them, positioning is more effective.

For Shopify, our Shopify website designer has an Images section on each product card, where we can indicate which images we would like to be associated with the product in question. We can send them from our computer by indicating the path, but we also have a convenient drop file to upload option.

Importantly, after sending the photo, we can edit each of them. We have the option of cropping the picture, rotating it, or even drawing on it. But what is important in terms of positioning, among the available options we also have the Edit alt text button . Then a pop-up appears, which we can supplement with alternative text for the photo .

In the case of uploading photos, it is also worth mentioning that our images can be optimized using CDN, i.e. Content Delivery Network. Then our resources are placed in the Files folder , accessible from the Settings> Files level . Thanks to this, our website will work faster and the location of the server will no longer matter in terms of the generated delay resulting from the distance of the Internet connection.


It sometimes happens that the generated url name of a given category or product turns out to be incorrect or simply could define the content of the page better. We would like to change it. With Shopify, we can do it without any problem. When correcting the url address, a message appears to us whether we want to create a 301 redirect from the old url to the new one. All this to keep traffic on our subpage and for the sake of effective positioning of the online store . It is a very convenient solution, perfect for non-technical people. We don’t have to worry about missing anything.

In order to correct the address or simply view the address generated by us when creating, for example, a new product, we need to expand the Search engine listing preview option , where we entered our title tag and meta description. It is also here that we can make changes to the url of the subpage. In the case of changing an already existing address, we will be informed about the possibility of redirection.


The sitemap, known as sitemap.xml , is nothing more than a list of subpages generated from our domain. Shopify simplifies our work and generates such a map automatically. It is always available at the address of the domain name . com / sitemap . xml . Additionally, the sitemap generated from Shopify is divided into parts. We have a separate sitemap with the addresses of products, categories or blog entries.

Unfortunately, we cannot easily manage the addresses added to the sitemap. The only thing left for us to better position our online store is to add the sitemap address to Google Search Console.


Creating a company blog and placing entries on it is another option available to owners of online stores based on the Shopify platform. Is it worth using it? Does running a blog favor positioning? It certainly doesn’t hurt him. Our Shopify website designer is expert in Shopify Vancouver and can place extensive articles on topics that may be of interest to a potential customer, and the more factual and professional, the better it proves our brand. We should strive to be specialists in our field in order to be able to sell our service in the best possible way, and above all, to encourage the purchase of the product.

Adding content is very intuitive. We can create entries using the Online Store> Blog posts option . The add entry tab looks similar to the product edit tab. Our shopify website designer can create our own title tags and meta description tags, as well as manage comments.


When creating our online store, we will also have to determine the appearance of basic page elements such as the header, footer, company logo, preferred colors, payment methods, or the number of articles that we want to be displayed on the home page. All such changes can be made from the panel. Just select Online Store and then Theme. We will see information about our website template and the Customize option. After clicking the Customize button, we will be redirected to the view of these settings.


Shopify offers many possibilities and functionalities, the management of which is simple and transparent. But what if we miss something? Then we are left with editing the code. Undoubtedly, this is a variant for technical people with programming knowledge, who will be able to introduce improvements or additional functionalities in the files. The option is available from two places. We can choose Online Store and then Theme. Then, next to the Customize button, we will see Actions with the Edit code option or already in the Customize settings. Then, at the bottom of the screen, the Theme actions button is visible, from which we can choose edit code.