9 Tips to Consider While Hiring React Developers


Summary: Mobile apps are present and future. None can deny how important mobile apps are for a business in this tech-advanced era. Since apps are the virtual identity of a brand, business owners have become more cautious about choosing the right React developers. If you are one of the business owners concerned about mobile app project development, read the blog to find 9-valuable tips to consider when hiring React development experts.

ReactJS developers are becoming an essential part of the app development process. Why? Because they play a significant role in developing modern-day UI for applications. In brief, React developers construct the front-end of the mobile applications. On top of that, these developers work constructively to improve the application performance.

No kidding! Big platforms like Airbnb, Netflix, Uber, Facebook, Amazon, and Twitter use JavaScript for their development process. And ReactJS developers happen to hold a strong proficiency in JavaScript. Now can you see why these developers are one of the dominating professionals in the industry?

ReactJS Developers: An In-depth View

JavaScript-based web and mobile applications are ruling the tech world, especially ReactJS for web development remains the top choice of businesses and developers. Here’s a diagram that shows JavaScript’s market position as of August 2, 2022.

Now, can you believe at what pace JavaScript is growing? How does that indicate that you need a ReactJS developer? Well, React.js is one of the most considerable frameworks of JavaScript. Thus, you need the developers to keep the show on!

The question that arises is why you need a ReactJS developer after all.

Reasons to Hire a Dedicated ReactJS Developer

Everyone is searching for a dedicated developer for their web and app development project. But is that the only reason you require a developer at this point? There are many reasons to find reliable and trustworthy developers for your project.

  • You need to expand your team. Therefore, you need someone with React.js expertise.
  • You cannot find a React.JS expert in your respected region.
  • You have found developers for your project, but their services are notwithstanding your budget.

Don’t lose hope! We have compiled helpful tips to help you hire a perfect developer.

9 Unbiased Tips to Hire ReactJS Developers

The process of hiring the right developers isn’t straightforward. However, proper guidance and tips can ease the daunting task. Take a look at these tips assembled just to keep you on top of convenience for hiring the right team.

Test their knowledge

You must know how to test a developer’s knowledge or specialty before hiring them. Ask the candidate some fundamental questions regarding the key concepts and trends in the market to see if they are up to date with the industry or not. By asking the questions, you can gauge whether they are an ideal fit for your requirements or not.

The best way to test them is to create an online quiz. The quiz will test the candidate’s understanding of React.JS!

Study the projects they’ve done

Look at the apps they have worked on or developed with React. It will help you to understand whether they’ll be able to meet your project terms or not. Pro tip: carefully review the projects as they are crucial to determine if the candidate is the right fit for your desired criteria.

If one of their projects is relatable to your requirements, check out the app!

Work experience matters here

Many React developers will convince you that they’ll be able to construct the app or feature you need. However, you should look at other factors alongside, such as:

  • Will they be able to scale up or scale down as per your needs?
  • What are they committing?
  • Is their experience enough to justify the commitments?

Well, add or delete the staff as per requirement. This way, you’ll be able to meet the workload and ensure you stay within the budget.

Are they willing to sign an NDA?

You don’t want the developers to disclose your plans and ideas to others competing with you, right? Therefore, you need to ensure that they sign the NDA. NDA or Non-Disclosure Agreement is a document that binds the development team to agree with the confidentiality terms of the recruiter (you.)

Remember, these legal documents don’t always work. So, use other forms to protect your project confidentiality as well.

Are they willing to work with your time zone?

If you’re planning to hire React developers from different countries, see if they don’t mind working in different time zones. For a smooth workflow, ask the candidates about their working hours and how they’d like to schedule the meetings in the future.

Keep in mind that working with a remote team of React developers means you have to be extra diligent. If you plan to schedule a meeting, send an email in advance or place a call instead of messaging them on the spot.

Set clear deadlines beforehand

Ensure that you work with a clear deadline. So, if you don’t have the deadlines set, it is the right time to start working on them. Having concrete deadlines ensures that freelance React developers take high-priority tasks before moving on to another. Remember, developers, don’t guarantee the delivery date until you mention the deadline.

Time is money! Thus, it is best to set realistic goals if you want to meet the requirements on time!

Look at the salary structure!

There are multiple factors to look at while hiring developers. However, one of the crucial ones is – the acceptable salary structure. A list of things that affect the salary structure of a React developer such as:

  • Location
  • Years of experience
  • Skills and roles
  • Level of Expertise
  • Organization
  • Training and certification

The location is one major factor that determines the cost of hiring React developers. Counties that offer React app development at affordable costs are:

  • Philippines: $8,569.08
  • India: $11,804
  • Ukraine: $21,600

The soft skills of the developers are influential too!

The soft skills of the developers play a vital role in determining their competence. When working in a team, you should ensure they are team players. Individuality here can be harmful to your goals. Here are a few soft skills that a befitting candidate must showcase:

  • Convert business needs into perfectly constructed technical requirements.
  • They should be open-minded when it comes to feedback and suggestions.
  • Good time management
  • They should have good communication and project management skills.
  • They should be able to write crisp codes.
  • Willing to learn and improve.
  • Problem solvers.

They should know JavaScript Build Tools!

When you hire ReactJS developers, ensure they are well-versed with JavaScript tools. Knowing additional tools is beneficial when extending the React library. Pivotal tools React developers must know are:

  • NPM: it is a dependency cloud storage tool. The NPM tool helps to install the software packages directly from the NPM registry.
  • Webpack: it’s a JavaScript module builder. Webpack helps to create dependency graphs!
  • Yarn: it is a package manager. The tool helps to install software packages and manage the dependencies. Alongside, it can optimize a React app’s NPM workflow.


On the whole, I hope this blog helped you figure out how to hire the best ReactJS developer for your project. One thing I’d like to highlight is that your development team must understand the importance of keeping the data safe. No matter what skills and experience they showcase, the developers must be reliable and trustworthy.

Once you feel the ReactJS developers are willing to put forth their heart and soul for the project, you are ready to hire them.