Everything about Finding and Hiring Expert Python Developers


Whether you have a food business, travel business, or marketing firm, talent acquisition is one of the toughest jobs for each of them. You can always get quantity but getting quality takes time and effort.

When it comes to web development, the difficulty level rises. There are countless developers out there, and the rise in the number of developers is due to two significant reasons. One is the boost in the trend of app development, and the second is the surfacing of new easy-to-use tools. Python is one of those tools that can seriously streamline and improve the development workflow.

Therefore, if you are planning to hire python developers of expert level, there are plenty of aspects to study and analyze. In this article, we will look at all of those aspects in detail!

A general overview of Python and its features!


Python is a stunning, general-purpose, high-level programming language that was first released in 1991 by Guido Van Rossum.

Python has a clean syntax that makes it readable even for new developers. It enables smooth coding, offers dynamic typing, and supports cross-platform development.

The main reason python is gaining popularity is because of its simplicity, and due to this, there are plenty of frameworks available today like Django, Flask, etc.

Some great features of python are:

  1. Easy to code: Because it has a simple syntax, python is easy to understand and learn. For instance, if you want to print “Alpha” in python, it has a single line code,

print (”Alpha”)

  1. It has a large set of libraries: A large set of libraries in Python such as Numpy, Pandas simplifies things further for developers. They are capable of performing complex data calculations and data representation.
  2. App integration made easy: Python enables smooth communication between various apps without using much code, which makes it highly preferable for businesses working on multiple projects at a time.
  3. Productive development workflow: With powerful IDEs like PyCharm, coding becomes way easier for developers because instead of writing long cumbersome codes, they can just write codes through shortcuts or menu options available in the IDE itself.
  4. Cross-platform: Python code is portable. It means that if you have written the code for Windows, you can run it on any other OS. You don’t need to change it.
  5. It is free: As python is open source, a python consulting firm does not have to spend money on purchasing any license or subscription.

There are many other aspects that make python great, but these are the main points. Every company should look into these when hiring dedicated python developer who can handle their development process smoothly without compromising with its quality!

Why are Python developers required by a firm?

As Python has countless features, let’s see why a python developer is required by a firm. A python developer can help a web development or an app development company in many ways, such as:

  • Code: Companies who are shifting to Python, an expert developer can be a great addition to the team. They can help in creating reusable and concise code in less time.
  • Improvisation: An experienced developer can help your team handle code debugging and optimization easily.
  • Database setup: If you are new to Python, a developer can help you set up databases.
  • Security: An expert python developer can help you devise and implement data security techniques.

Other than these, a python developer can also help you improve the overall existing system.

What are the various skills required in an expert Python developer?

Let’s come to the chief aspect of the article! When hiring a python developer, there are numerous things to take care of, and one of them is a skillset. There are some crucial skills that a python developer needs to have. Let’s take a look at them!

Team Spirit: If you are hiring an expert python developer, it is pretty obvious that you need them to handle more than what is required from a developer. He or she should have awesome team skills like task assignment, management, query resolution, etc. Ask if they have ever managed a team as it is the key skill.

Knowledge about latest technologies: To be more specific, AI, machine learning, deep learning. An expert developer should have knowledge about these technologies. As Python is primarily used for data analytics and automation applications, these technologies need to be on their tips.

Other than these high techy things, the developer should also know the basic technologies like Javascript, CSS, and HTML.

Critical thinking: Time is the aspect that matters a lot in development. If the app or website gets developed fast, it can hit the market quickly. This process may involve using different Python frameworks. Therefore, an experienced developer should be able to think and make decisions quickly. If he or she is aware of frameworks like Django, Flask, CherryPy, etc., they can make the development process faster and more efficient.

ORM and cloud computing: As most of the development today has shifted to the cloud, your expert python developer should be fully proficient in it. They should be aware of AWS, Microsoft Azure, etc., services. Other than this, ORM libraries should also be in their quiver. These libraries are one of the critical elements of Python programming.

Communication: To stay updated with everything is what a senior developer should know. Therefore, hire a developer that has the appropriate communication skills. They should be able to convey their technical requirements in an easy way to the other team members.

What is the process to hire expert Python developers?

Now that you know about the skills that you need in python developers India, it is time to discuss the process that you need to follow. As you are hiring an experienced developer, the process needs close attention!

Keep your requirements clear

The very first step to hiring a developer is to clearly state your requirements in the job post or in the ad. Why? Well, Python is a language that has utility in various development segments like AI, web development, data analysis, and more. All of these segments require a different type of expertise. Therefore, you need to mention your requirements clearly.


Based on the job requirements, you may get a lot of applications. The best way to get the ideal candidate is to conduct a face-to-face interview. A face-to-face interview can help you get a better insight into the candidate. You can ask them the required questions and find out how much they know. On top of that, you can also clear doubts if they are any.

Take a test

Along with the interview, you should also draft a test for the candidate. A test can provide you with a better insight about employee speed and critical thinking. You can judge a candidate way better with a test.

Where can you find expert Python developers?

Going online and searching on Google is not the only way. There are certain platforms online that can help you hire the best talent on the planet. You can either hire an overseas python development company, freelancers or can even assemble an in-house team.

You can find expert Python developers on the following platforms:

  • Upwork
  • Toptal
  • Fiver
  • StackOverflow
  • GitHub
  • Hired
  • Space
  • We Work Remotely

Some key pointers to remember!

  • Freelancers are the most cost-effective option in the case of development. However, the quality of work is not guaranteed.
  • Assembling an in-house team can fulfill your quality needs. However, you may have to spend a lot to assemble such an expert team.
  • Hiring an overseas agency can be good in terms of both cost and work quality. But you need to be really proactive and communicative. Geographical location and time zone can be an add-on factors to take care of.

How much does it cost to hire an expert Python developer?

Well, there are many factors based on which the cost of hiring an expert python developer depends. Some of them are job roles, location, experience, etc. If we talk about the location, the cost of hiring a developer varies a lot based on the rate per hour.

For instance, the per hour pay of a developer in Ukraine is around $25-30. On the other hand, it is $50-100 in the US. Just like this, the salary of a python developer varies with location. The average per hour rate of an expert python developer is $62 per hour.

Here are some approximate salary numbers of a python developer!

There are many developers out there. However, all of them are not ideal for you. If you aim to take your company to new heights, this comprehensive guide to hire python developers will help you. Make sure that you keep everything mentioned very carefully so as to avoid any wrong hiring.

Author Name:- Mahipalsinh Rana

Mahipalsinh Rana is a CTO of Inexture, a leading python development company. He has more than 15 years of experience in software development with a strong focus on mobile app development for all kinds of platforms including iOS and Android. He loves to write and share about technology, startups, entrepreneurship and business.


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