How to Grow Your Business Using WhatsApp Messaging

WhatsApp Messaging

Over the years, WhatsApp has quickly become one of the world’s most popular WhatsApp Messaging apps, with over 1 billion users per month and over 20 billion messages sent per day. In some countries—such as India, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia—it has been downloaded on nearly 90% of smartphones. While WhatsApp Messaging was originally designed as a means of communication between friends and family, it can now be used in a variety of ways for business purposes as well including making personal connections with potential customers, growing your website traffic, and increasing your client base for more engagement and sales. The following tips will help you use WhatsApp to grow your business in both large and small ways.

What is a WhatsApp Messaging Campaign?

A WhatsApp message campaign is a way for you to reach out to your contacts and customers from within a private group. It’s perfect for those who want one-on-one conversations with clients or want more control over how their messages are perceived by their audience. Sending messages directly to customers also keeps your brand fresh in someone’s mind.

Key Tips for Running a Successful Campaign

  1. Know your target market and demographic
  2. Don’t be afraid to keep your offers simple, brief, and relevant
  3. Use an eye-catching image or message
  4. Include a call-to-action (CTA) – You don’t have much time, so use action words that prompt readers to click on your link
  5. Track engagement – If you see there are high volumes of interest in a specific day or hour, tailor future messaging accordingly
  6. Get testimonials from happy customers – Testimonials don’t just boost trust, they also reassure potential customers about investing their money with you as well as driving more sales

Tips for Creating Content Using WhatsApp

If you’re looking for a cost-effective, quick, and easy way to reach new audiences and grow your business, WhatsApp is a great place to start. According to surveys, 60% of global respondents prefer text messaging over phone calls. If you have existing customers or business contacts on WhatsApp, starting chats with them is a great way to make them feel valued while learning more about your company at the same time.

Since WhatsApp is already widely used, all you need to do is set up a page on Facebook or another social network with information about your business, create quality content that will appeal to your audience, and use WhatsApp at key times of day (e.g., after work) when people are ready for their me-time.

You’ll also want to find out who’s in your target audience so you can tailor your messages based on who you’re sending them to. Personalizing your messages can have a dramatic impact on how many people read your content. Use apps like Survey Monkey, Typeform, or similar software to create polls that ask readers for input. For example, you might ask them what they think about a recent piece of content you’ve published or whether they’d be interested in reading more about a specific topic. The added benefit of doing so is that you can provide answers from other customers as well—and then you can point those readers toward your online store if it’s relevant. (This works especially well with e-commerce sites.)

WhatsApp Messaging Business API Chatbot

Sending automated, targeted messages via the WhatsApp Business API chatbot is a great way to encourage customer loyalty and increase sales. For example, if a shopper adds items to their cart but then abandons it before checking out, you can have a personalized message sent right away thanking them for their interest and encouraging them to complete their purchase. Cart abandonment is a fairly common problem that is seen with a lot of online businesses, with about 44% of shoppers abandoning their carts at least once during an online purchase.

Chatbots can also help with a number of other problems such as answering frequently asked questions, telling customers about sales, showing products that may be related to their current search, and much more.

Quick Responses for Better Customer Experience

With a consumer base that’s shifting from desktop and laptop computers toward mobile devices, it’s more important than ever for companies to provide great customer service through their websites. One of the biggest challenges for businesses is how quickly they can respond to customers. Companies can now use WhatsApp as an additional way to connect with their customers in real-time. There are a number of advantages when using WhatsApp as an engagement channel. A lot of companies use WhatsApp messaging campaigns as a way of handling customer service issues. People are far more likely to remember and appreciate your brand if you provide fast, high-quality service via WhatsApp messaging campaigns rather than waiting until they email or call with a problem later on.