Growth of Application Hosting Services In Cloud Computing

Growth of Application Hosting Services In Cloud Computing a

Cloud-based applications are dominating the digital world and the approach is becoming popular in various kinds of businesses. It is providing businesses with scalability, increased productivity, and low equipment cost. Cloud computing is helping businesses smartly tackle the global pandemic.


Applications are hosted on the cloud for secured servers & remote access. A cloud-based app solution makes the digital operations streamlined & ensures greater flexibility. Thus businesses are preferring a cloud environment to host their resources and secure the data. Select the right kind of hosting provider to get upright app hosting services suited for the business.

The Evolution of Cloud Hosting

Cloud computing is the modern approach to handling all kinds of small business needs. It is a kind of digital service that includes storing a business’s data, programs, & apps on a remote server. The cloud tech is experiencing an enhanced investment and the hosted apps run with components stored online with processes executed in the cloud environment.

Cloud computing has become a multibillion-dollar industry within a few years of its evolution and has become the main component of the SaaS (Software as a Service) industry. According to Data Science Central reports – “The global SaaS market had a net value of US$23.88 bn in 2014. This figure is predicted to rise at a CAGR of 27.9% beginning from 2015 and ending in 2022, reaching US$164.29 bn by the year 2022. Cloud computing is already big and is fast expanding”.

The significant characteristics of applications hosting in cloud infrastructure evolved by –

  • Placement of app data in the cloud infrastructure & some can be cached on the user’s device. There is less need for devices to run the apps.
  • The information can be stored in the offline form on the user’s device temporarily. As the user is online again and the app will be updated & upload the data generated offline to the cloud storage location.
  • Cloud application hosting can be reached with the help of internet-based devices like smartphones and computers. For users, it appears the same way irrespective of the device & doesn’t have to rely on browser capacities.

Small businesses are benefiting a lot from cloud computing and the business owners are gaining confidence with it. Managing and organizing the information has become safer & swifter. The cloud services remove stress from your business operations and provide you the time to concentrate on other vital aspects of the business.

Different Types of Cloud Infrastructure 

There are three different types of service models in cloud computing and the difference between the three in terms of storage & resource pooling.

But, when needed can interact with each other to form a comprehensive model of computing.

Iaas (Infrastructure as Service) 

It is the type of service model that is offering fundamental infrastructure of network, OS, data storage, and virtual servers. There is no need for hardware installation in offices and it provides the kind of flexibility & reliability that the business seeks. Thus, it is best suited for small or medium-ranged businesses looking for affordable solutions. Businesses can get it as a private, public, or hybrid infrastructure.

PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) 

Businesses can develop and run their applications on it as the service provider deploying the infrastructure framework on it. The service is robust and helps the creation of web applications. You get scalable solutions that are ideal for business environments. It is also best suited for times where the data source can be leveraged.

SaaS (Software-as-the-Service) 

It is a valuable tool for CRM and its applications that requires secured access. SaaS services are managed from a central location and businesses need not worry about its management. The cloud computing solution ensures the deployment of software over the internet for businesses.

Benefits of Application Hosting in Cloud

Cloud computing is considered one of the most important innovations to have surfaced in the last decade. It is a versatile & highly scalable form of hosting that brings financial benefits. Applications are hosted on the cloud in a way that stores all the vital information & data in a remote server.

Let us look at the benefits of application hosting on the cloud –

It improves the performance of applications

Cloud-based hosting is winning over the traditional hosting forms when it comes to server uptime. The server powering cloud-hosting is sprinkled across the world to increase the cloud’s speed & responsiveness.

There is the reduction of cost in tech infrastructure

In-house hosting cost heavily and cloud hosting is the best option to store the resources. It also requires maintenance of high-performance levels that drives the price even higher. The cost of technology & in-house hosting gets down to a significant level with cloud technology.

Cloud Provides Multi-Tenancy Capabilities

The multi-tenancy capabilities are referred to the ability to support multiple clients at a given time. Mobile apps require a server with extreme multi-tenancy capabilities & more server nodes are used to keep pace with the demand.

Cloud-Based Servers are More Conducive to Regulate Compliance

One of the top benefits of cloud hosting is regulatory compliance and its impacts on everything from security protocols to confident practices. Cloud computing makes it easier for businesses to remain compliant in a cost-effective manner.


Cloud computing will also benefit the business and contribute to the pledge of using environment-friendly options as much as possible. For small businesses, it will assist them immensely to save on any hardware purchase from the start. Application hosting will become more powerful in a cloud environment! The cloud computing services need to be selected wisely as per the business need to save cost.

Physical computing is having multiple by-products and the cloud doesn’t have any harmful contribution to the environment. Being on the cloud will provide businesses the conscience of being in a protected environment. As a business owner, you can spend your energies on other vital tasks. 

Author Bio

Alice Bell is a passionate content writer, having knowledge in areas including the latest technology, Cloud Computing, Quickbooks Hosting. She dreams of someday living somewhere warm and typesetting a novel. Most of the time she spent on laptop and learn new things.