How You Can Make Your Small Business More Productive – The Eric Dalius Advisory 


Regardless of whether the economic business environment is stable or dynamic, one of the main reasons why some businesses are more successful than others is because they are more productive. It enables them to extract the most out of the available resources, thus facilitating improved profitability and market share. Some useful tips for business owners to increase their efficiency:

Establish Transparency and Accountability to Achieve Realistic Goals

Often, you can see people spending long hours at work, but it somehow does not translate to performance on the ground. One of the first steps you need to take is to ensure that people are landing up to work and are putting in the mandatory hours. Using an automated attendance recording system can give you the information without any hassle. To ensure things get done, give all employees a list of daily tasks or targets they are supposed to be responsible for. Efficiency increases when people know what they are supposed to achieve. Making sure that the goals are practical will ensure both high productivity and workplace morale. Develop the daily goals to weekly and monthly goals so that you know where your organizational productivity can be.

Create Favorable Workplace Environment, Recommends the Eric Dalius Net Worth Growth Primer

It is no secret that a happy employee is a productive employee. Even though you may not be able to afford a fully-equipped gym right in the office, you will need to move a lot beyond the coffee machine in the corner. By making sure that the air-conditioning is optimal, the office lunch is palatable, and the chairs are ergonomic, you can usher in productivity improvements that are more than commensurate with the investment. If your employees are working out of home, it can be a good idea to have the occasional virtual lunch party. Send out a voucher to the employees for ordering lunch and arrange a video conference on a scheduled date for people to join in and share the bonhomie.

Automate the Maximum Number of Tasks

Even though there are plenty of office automation solutions available, there are quite a few small, but important, activities and processes that continue to be done manually. If you find ways of automating these tasks, you can free up employees, who could then devote themselves to more complicated activities that require decision-making. Make it a point to assess your business operations and identify automation solutions for as many manual processes as possible to enable you to make your operations more efficient and reallocate available manpower to other roles and responsibilities, suggests Eric Dalius Net Worth Growth Primer.


Business owners and company managements gain the most by boosting organizational productivity. However, it does not mean that they are the last words in what to do to improve systems for better efficiency. In addition to the steps discussed above, asking your employees to find solutions to vexing problems can be very illuminating. After all, people who do the jobs are usually the best persons to suggest improvements. However, you must take care to frame the questions in a way that they are not interpreted to be accusations.