Interested to protect your seniors? Purchase them a senior citizen policy


The senior-citizen health insurance plan will help in covering the elderly people with different kinds of medical expenses which will include pre-existing problems, critical illness, corona virus and several other kinds of related issues. All these kinds of health plans are specifically designed with the motive of protecting the people of age 60 years and above so that they can be adequately paid for their old age health-related medical problems. There are several kinds of benefits provided by the health insurance for senior citizens for example cashless facility, day-care expenditures, pre-existing disease cover and various other kinds of things. Various companies are coming up in this particular area to provide the people with the right kind of insurance plans so that they can get adequate coverage at the later stage of their life and can ensure that multiple advantages will be easily enjoyed by them.

Following are some of the most common advantages of purchasing health insurance for senior citizens:

  1. It will help in providing medical coverage to the elderly people and all the people who will be above the age of 60 years will be getting the best possible coverage under this particular plan because, on the other hand, the basic health plan will provide coverage up to 65 years of age only.
  2. It will help in covering the pre-medical screening because most of the plans do not require any kind of screening but in some plans, it will be a very basic requirement.
  3. These kinds of insurance policies help in providing the senior citizens with cashless treatment because senior citizens are very much interested in avail this particular option so that they can avail the treatment into the top hospitals of the city and this point will only be valid when they have been admitted for a minimum of 24 hours. The facility will include medical bills, charges of the room, fees of the doctor and several other kinds of related cost components.
  4. It will help in providing the medical treatment expenditure cover and will include the pre-hospitalisation, post hospitalisation and inpatient hospitalisation expenditures throughout the policy.
  5. This concept also comes with no claim bonus and this will be the discount that the insurer will be offering for the entire claim three years. It can range from 20%- 100 per cent in some of the plans depending upon the rules and regulations associated with the plan.
  6. Another very important benefit of this particular plan is that it will help in providing the people with tax exemption benefits under section 80 D of the Income Tax Act and the cost of premium which will be paid by the people who will be eligible for the tax exemption benefits for every financial year.

Following are some of the most important reasons why senior citizens require these kinds of policies:

  • Adequate health insurance is very much important for senior citizens so that they can beat up the rising healthcare cost because the medical expenditures are already skyrocketing. Also, the senior citizens are very much prone to problems which is the main reason that they have to indulge in regular hospitalisation and purchasing this particular policy will help in making sure that they will be availing the best healthcare services and will be getting the reimbursement all the time which will make sure that there will be no financial issues.
  • With adequate age, the possibility of being diagnosed with a critical illness like heart problems, kidney problems, cancer and several other kinds of things will become very high which is the main reason that with the help of senior citizen health insurance policy the individuals will also get the critical illness add-on cover for the people above the age of 60 years.
  • Senior citizens will also be availing different kinds of health checkups every year as they need to undergo the medical screening regularly which is the main reason that availing all these kinds of facilities will help in minimising their expenditures incurred on the same and the best one is that they will be having proper access to right kind of facilities throughout the process.
  • Paying the hospital bills can be very much stressful for elderly people especially because of the increased treatment costs in both the cases of minor as well as major illnesses. Hence, having proper access to health care insurance policy will help in making sure that people will be having proper peace of mind because they will never become a burden on the family in the present situation because of the wise decisions made by them.

Hence, depending upon Care health insurance in this particular area is a good idea for the senior citizens so that they can purchase the best possible health plans and can avail themselves several kinds of advantages in the long run in a stress-free manner.