How to make online classes more engaging: tips for teachers

With the growth and development of science and technology, our education system has evolved a lot. Leaving behind the conventional methods of teaching, online platforms of education have grown rapidly. It refers to a type of education where educators and learners connect digitally. And in the present pandemic times, online teaching is the most used form of imparting and receiving education.

Since it is a new model for many teachers and students, becoming less engaging has chances too. Lack of physical and face-to-face interactions can cause less engaging classes too. But every problem has some solutions. Let us discuss some of the best tips that teachers can follow to ensure engaging online classes for learners.

Reasons for less engaging online classes

While all teachers try to make their classes meaningful and involve students in learning too. But some mistakes or wrong practices can make classes less engaging for students. Let us discuss a few reasons behind this.

  • Less interactive teaching practices
  • Back to back academic classes
  • Teacher-centered method of teaching.
  • Not taking feedback from students.
  • Less collaborative and participative activities in the class.

Tips for teachers to conduct engaging online classes for students

  1. Avoid teacher-centric approach only in the classes

Teachers centric approach of teaching means when only teachers keep on speaking, and explaining and students sit as mere listeners without making many contributions to the classes. Without students allowed to speak and interact, classes become monotonous.

And such a way of teaching is not accurate to make students engaged for the classes. To avoid this happening in your online classes, all teachers must involve and give students a chance to speak up and share their views, understanding, and opinions. This will help to teach online better and enhance student engagement.

  1. Avoid taking back to back or continuous online classes

Our mind is not a machine and needs some rest too for staying active and engaged for all the classes. Also continuously sitting in front of the mobile or computer screens can lead to excessive screen time, making students mentally tired, furthermore reducing their interest and participation in the classes. To avoid this, all teachers must ensure not to back to back online lectures.

  1. Teach with the help of technology

Only teaching and explaining from the textbooks is not very interesting and understandable for the learners, furthermore reducing their engagement in the classes. But today’s generation of kids enjoys technology a lot. And hence all teachers must use technical teaching aids in their online classes. Along with using textbooks and guides, teachers must teach with audiovisual aids such as PowerPoint presentations, modules, picture cards, visual notes, educational videos, and animations.

  1. Take feedback from students

Online classes are new for many educators and learners in the present pandemic times. And hence taking advice, suggestions, and feedback from the students can surely help. If you find classes less engaged, you must know the reasons behind it from the students. Ask them whether they are finding the present teaching practices right or needs some more improvement. Take their suggestions, review them properly and make additions to your online classes for enhancing student engagement.

  1. Have time for extracurricular

Student engagement should not be limited to their performance and participation in academics. All students are different from one another and to open them, feel comfortable and be more communicative in the learning environment, organizing extracurricular activities will surely help.

By using live sessions and video API, teachers can conduct several extracurricular activities such as dance, music, art, craft, Zumba, drama, theater, and painting. This will help students to enjoy, collaborate with friends, and stay involved and more engaged for online classes.

  1. Have interactive activities

To make students more engaged in the online classes, allowing them to interact and speak up is very important. And for this, all teachers must avoid being monotonous and have participatory activities such as group discussions, pair, and present, recitations, team working, project making, and more. This will help students to be more engaged in online learning.


In the present pandemic times, online teaching platforms for the exchange of information and education. And all teachers aim to provide quality education to all learners here as well. And to ensure this, student engagement in the online classroom is very important. By following all the above mentioned tips and techniques, teachers can make their online sessions more engaging for learners.