Trick If MySQL Table is Marked as Crashed and Should be Repaired

Summary: MySQL is one of the most popular open-source SQL database management systems. It is developed, distributed, & widely supported by Oracle Corporation. But sometimes, an unexpected error like the shutdown of the MySQL database or the crash of the entire server may lead to the issue that the MySQL table is marked as crashed and should be repaired. In this blog, you will get a brief introduction of one of the common errors in MYSQL-  MySQL table is marked as crashed and should be repaired and the best and quick solution to fix it.

What is MySQL & Why is it Used?

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system(RDBMS) based on the SQL(Structured Query Language) developed by oracle. It preserves the collection of data in a structured form and is used for multiple purposes: Data warehousing, E-commerce, Logging applications, etc. Its prominent working model is to handle the client data.

The MySQL database server is quick, reliable, efficient, and easy to use. It is what you are looking for: MySQL runs on a desktop or laptop, alongside your other applications, web servers, and so on. Using this, you are competent enough to send or transfer data to multiple locations at a time by handling it in one specific system.

Crashed Table in MySQL Issue- Introduction

An error “MySQL table is marked as crashed and should be repaired” may occur while one can access and work with MySQL. The possibility behind this error is the forceful shutdown of the MySQL database or the crash of the entire server suddenly. It also happens because of disk space shortage, hardware issues, or power failures, etc. Well, Not Worry. MySQL contains an option to repair the crashed tables by itself. Only the requirement is to perform a few simple and easy steps. 

MySQL Table Crashed Reason

These are some possible reasons behind the error- MySQL is marked as crashed and should be repaired.

  • An error may occur due to the MySQL is running out of disk space. Thus it is required to free up server space in advance.
  • Often need to repair crashed tables in MySQL due to crashes of the operating system,  power failures, hardware problems, MySQL server gets terminated, data corruption, etc.

Before initiating the troubleshooting process, let us check out the points by which you may identify the corrupted MySQL tables.

MySQL Check for Crashed Table

Here, we mentioned the unexpected errors in the queries, by which you can identify the error:

  • Unfortunately the end of the file
  • Not able to find file tbl_name.MYI
  • An error occurs from the table handler
  • Possibilities that the record file has been crashed
  • A table that was working .frm is locked against change
  • Error ### occurs from the table handler
  • Not able to find file tablethatshouldbethere.MYI

How To Fix “MySQL is Marked as Crashed and Should be Repaired” Error?

To repair the crashed MySQL table, follow the steps of the below-mentioned methods:

  • Use the Myisamchk for Recovering MySQL Crashed Tables
  • Use the MySQL Console for Repairing the Table 
  • Repair Database By Backup

#1 Recover MySQL Crashed Tables Via Myisamchk

MySQL offers its utility known as myisamchk for diagnosing crashed tables. Here, it is:

# myisamchk -s /var/lib/mysql/*/*.MYI

The above-mentioned command lists out all the crashed MySQL tables that need to be fixed.

After you know the name of the tables that are required to repair, enter the below-mentioned command:

Here, you will have to provide the table name that is broken or crashed.

# myisamchk -r /var/lib/mysql/dbname/table_name.MYI

If you are not able to fix the crashed table yet, you can also use another command. Only the need is to stop the web services and MySQLd. Then run the below command:

# myisamchk -r –update-state /var/lib/mysql/dbname/table_name.MYI

Finally, restart the MySQLd and web services again, and check if the error gets fixed or not.

#2 Repair Crashed Table Via MySQL Console

If you can get access then connect with the MySQL server  and implement the steps below:

use my_database;

repair table my_crashed_table;

The above steps are suggested for repairing the crashed table that is of few KBs-GBs. It will also depend on the RAM and processor power.

# 3 Recover Database By Backup

Another efficient way to deal with the error MySQL is marked as crashed and should be Repaired, is to back up the database data previously. By backing up the data, you can save your data from crashing and surely saves time too. 

An Expert Solution for MySQL Database Recovery

If all of the above-discussed solutions have not been able to fix the MySQL table crashes. You can try out the exclusive and powerful utility by SysInfo named MySQL Database Recovery Tool. It is competent enough to recover MySQL database content with utmost accuracy. The software can restore the database objects like tables, keys, table properties, data types, views, triggers, etc.  In addition, it supports recovery from InnoDB and MyISAM storage engines of MySQL too.


MySQL is one of the best databases among all others supported by Oracle. However, there is some error like MySQL Table is Marked as Crashed and Should be Repaired, making it inaccessible to handle. Through this blog, we learn all the possible methods to repair crashed tables in MySQL. Also, if you did not fix it manually, you can opt for an expert solution too.