5 Home Safety Tips to Teach Your Kids

Home Safety Tips

It is not enough to install safety gadgets, safety alarms, security doors, and sophisticated security systems for the safety of your kids. It involves a healthy safety culture with basic rules that keep every child safe and reduce injury and accident.

When these kids are young, the parents can go to great lengths to keep them safe. However, it will get to a time when they will need to be sensitized on safety.

As kids grow up, there are many things one needs to help them understand. For example, while many parents would love their kids to have free movement and access to whatever they want, accidents and hazards are part of life. This makes it essential to try and instill basic safety principles in a child.

While many people want to be there for their kids constantly and be their superheroes, this is far from possible. However, it is your responsibility to help them know how to be safe. With these safety tips, you will keep them out of harm’s way and help them stay safe even in your absence.

As a result, here are five safety tips you can teach your kids.

1. Teach Them Water Safety

It is pretty easy for kids to drown, considering their size. All it takes to drown them is a few inches of water. As a result, kids should always be supervised when dealing with water, like pools or bathtubs.

Compared to adults, children have thinner skin, making it easy for them to get burned. As a result, teach them to test the water temperature before getting into it if they ever need to bathe with warm water.

You should also let them understand that water and electricity do not mix. Water, being a good conductor of electricity, can easily lead to electrocution. As a result, home appliances and electrical devices like 220 extension cord, lamps, and toasters should be handled carefully. Also, electrical devices like toasters, radios, lamps, hairdryers, televisions, etc., are out of reach.

2. Ensure They Are Aware of Important Contact Info

You should make sure that your kids know where to get help should there be an emergency. This is beneficial to both the parents and the kids. However, there are times you might be faced with a situation in which calling for help might be impossible.

However, if your kids know how to make phone calls using a mobile phone and knowledge of emergency contacts, it will be helpful to the family. You can simply place a sticker on the fridge with emergency contacts.

Even if your kids cannot memorize emergency contact, make sure they know your name, their names, and how to contact you.

Contact Info

3. Teach Them Not To Share Personal Information Online

The introduction of the internet was undoubtedly a blessing to man. It came with many benefits and made life easier for man. However, anything beneficial, without a doubt, will come with side effects. The online community is a crazy world, and it is here to stay. With all its advantages and benefits, we still have to deal with online fraudsters, cyberbullying, and various internet-based crimes.

Social media is a fascinating world for kids, and it is not surprising that they dedicate a lot of their time there. Parents’ responsibility is to let kids know how they can be safe online and the potential dangers lurking around the internet.

Private Information, personal data, and financial information should be kept confidential and not handed over to anyone on the internet.

Teach Them Not To Share

4. Stay Away From Strangers

The idea is not to create fear in kids but to let them understand that they must approach the World with caution. Teaching them to be careful with strangers is an act that will help them throughout life. They should avoid being overly trustworthy as they might not be able to discern a dangerous person.

In other words, they should not engage with a strange person if any familiar face is absent. With this, you can teach your kids the importance of asking permission. If a stranger approaches them, teach them to ask you if it is okay to speak with such a person.

Also, they should know that rejection of foods, toys, candy, money, and other gift items from strangers will go a long way to keep them safe around strangers. Finally, let them know that even if a stranger claims to know the parents, going with them is not permitted.

5. They Should Always Keep Doors Closed

One basic and essential safety rule for kids is always to keep doors closed. With this, intruders, wild animals, and other uninvited guests will not access the house. Also, younger ones will not be able to wander away.

With the door closed, you also have the assurance that they are well protected inside. In addition, when you are not at home, the locked doors will help ensure that no unauthorized person gains access indoors.


Many people love their kids and will give anything to keep them safe. While parents can’t always be there for their kids, it is possible to instill a safety culture that will keep them away from the woes and dangers lurking around.

These are five effective safety tips that will go a long way to keep children protected and safe from various happenings in the world.


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