Enterprises Should Take a Serious Look at Multi-tenant Broadcasting Software

Multi-tenant Broadcasting Software
It is a sort of circular effect world we live in. People’s behaviors have changed in 2021 and the way they searched and bought online influenced Google to change its patterns and that in turn is forcing enterprises to incorporate changes to their digital marketing strategies. This happens at high cost with no worthwhile assurance of returns, because, by the time you get around to it, Google’s shifting sands change policies so you keep floundering. Instead, consider voice broadcasting software as a way to reach out directly and, maybe, sidestep Google’s overarching control over digital marketing techniques

Google is raising the bar on large sites

Google’s Core Web Vitals update, scheduled to go live in May 2021, raises the bar on sites to load pages fast. It will show visual callout that will show site performance. This will impact click through rates and traffic.

The suggested workaround is to improve paid search performance and implement strategic SEO. This does not guarantee traffic. On the other hand, you could place more emphasis on voice broadcasting software and SMS broadcasting software to reach out to potential targets and generate leads.  How is this helpful?

91% of US residents have their mobiles within reach all day and most SMS messages are read and, if there is a call to action, they respond. It is the same with voice broadcast. Compare it with website marketing and you will see a vast difference in outcomes vis-à-vis time, effort and money spent on marketing.

Brand content assumes weightage

Post the covid-19 pandemic there has been a change in brand perceptions and brand content on websites and social media channels. The remedy suggested is to be nimble and create content cutting across social, political, health and economic issues. Again a long drawn out process. Instead, use voice broadcasting software and SMS broadcasting software, which, by the way, is more interactive.

You can do this

       Break up issues into individual topics. Analyze contact list and segregate according to demographics, age, location and preferences.

       Create text and voice content that touches the right chord with selected audience.

       Schedule when the SMS and voice broadcast should go out and there you have it.

       Your focused content reaches targets and touches on only one topic, grabbing attention and evoking responses.

       Since SMS/Voice broadcast costs next to nothing you can send these messages out daily in bits and pieces, creating a larger, positive impression about brand that resonates with audience.

       Importantly, you maintain continuity of contact. Compare this to website visits or social media where visitors see and then move on, likely forgetting you in the process.

       You can refine strategies based on feedbacks even as you subtly push your products layered on social or economic or political content.

Shortcircuit the online retailer route

Large ecommerce sites are select outlets for large enterprises to ensure they receive continuing flow of orders but, given the competitive edge, you either make a low profit or no profit at all because such marketplaces gobble up all your profits. Then, such marketplaces may promote paid competitors, relegating you to the background. This could happen should you choose to pursue strategies on sites like Amazon.

Instead, use voice broadcasting software and SMS broadcasting software to reach out directly to potential buyers and existing buyers.

       Send SMS/Voicemail encouraging targets to visit your site, not marketplaces.

       Offer attractive discounts for responding to the SMS and buying from your site. You can afford to do so considering that marketplaces can take a 20% slice of the profit.

       Use SMS/Voice broadcast to invite comments and suggestions and offer a reward for doing so.

       You can easily include link to your site in the SMS or a phone number for response. The number of mobile users in the world is 6.95 billion, expected to increase to 7 billion by the end of this year. You are looking at a huge customer base you can address on a personal basis.


Enterprises with a larger footprint and operations in various regions certainly will benefit by localization. This is achieved by subscribing to hosted multi-tenant voice/SMS broadcasting software. Each branch office becomes your sub-tenant and they can carry out independent local voice/SMS broadcast operations, appear local, refine strategies to suit local populations and manage customers. Multi-tenant SMS/Voice broadcast gives you centralized access and control and yet gives freedom for each unit to set up localized operations that achieve better results.

Marketing is becoming tougher and ever and also expensive even as competition increases and chance of success diminishes. One sure way to overcome these is to switch lanes and adapt multi-tenant hosted SMS/voice broadcast to establish direct connections and build unswerving loyalty through personalized approach. It is worth the investment.