How to Showcase New Products and Services Online

Someone once asked a question, “Which is more likely to fail, a bad product with plenty of marketing or a great product with zero marketing?” No matter how you look at it, none supersedes the other. It’s more a case of both being inextricably intertwined. What is the point of promoting a product that will ridicule the brand image?

Considering the number of products out there and the direct rivals you have to contend with, getting your products noticed might be difficult. No matter how great a product is, it cannot sell itself. A great product needs strategic marketing to put it in the face of the right audience. You must also consider the ever-decreasing attention span, which is about 8 seconds.

So many people advertise their products, and you need to stand out to be taken seriously. This is where a good team and an excellent marketing strategy come to play. So how best can you showcase your products and services online? Come along for the answer you seek.

What Are the Best Ways to Showcase Your Products and Services

Research shows that of the 30,000 products released annually, 95 percent fail. The overwhelming reason is poor market segmentation. Businesses must position their products in front of the right audience. Here’s how to make the most of your marketing.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective and cost-efficient ways of reaching your prospects. It offers a great way to increase brand awareness and let people know about your product. Messages can be very personal, thus improving converting prospects to customers. The more you educate and inform your audience, the easier it is to buy from you.

With email marketing, you get the luxury of selecting who you choose to mail. You can target prospects through demographics, interests, and previous purchase behaviors. Seeing as you own your list, you can also email or re-target existing customers. No matter the razzmatazz of social media, email is still the number one communication channel.

Use Webinars

A webinar is a fantastic way to create a buzz while demonstrating the product’s value. It allows you to explain why the product exists and the problem it solves. Webinars allow you to position yourself as a thought leader in your niche. Thought leadership helps build a level of trust between you and your customers.

They get a detailed demonstration of the product and possibly ask questions. Even better if you can get an industry expert to analyze the features and functionalities of the product. This way, you can easily project all the benefits of the products on the webinar software. Webinar platforms integrate CRM tools, marketing platforms, and automate follow-up for a richer customer experience.

Facebook Marketing 

Facebook marketing is another cost-efficient way to showcase your products. Similar to email marketing, you can target a specific group of people. But the aim is to get your product in front of the right audience. With the right targeting, the return on investment can be huge.

Some indicators to improve your targeting include content read or downloaded, products added to the cart, search queries, and more. This might mean a smaller reach but those with a higher probability of buying. And with over 1.93 billion daily users worldwide, you know you have a magnificent pool.

Pre-order Promotion

A pre-order promotion helps you create a buzz around your product before its release date. It ramps people up and gets them excited about the product. Using influencer marketing can create a lot of positive attention and anticipation on social media. This way, you have a ready market before the product drops.

A pre-order promotion also serves as a pre-test for the product. The promotion’s response will show the product’s reception on its release. You can use this to see what works and where to make corrections. Add various incentives, such as a discount, extra items, or limited editions.

Product Story

It is not enough to have a great product; it must be purpose-driven. Every product must look to strike an emotional chord with its audience. Research shows that the brain doesn’t differentiate between reading and experiencing a story. A product story helps your audience connect with you.

The goal of every product story is to imprint a picture in the minds of prospects and customers. The more customers see themselves through the protagonist’s eye, the better your relationship becomes. A good story helps build trust as customers see you as more relatable. Your customers readily know what you stand for and believe.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Having a great product has never been enough. Marketing without proper targeting and segmentation is a waste of resources. To stand out from the crowd, you must have an excellent product. This, combined with targeting the right audience through email marketing, webinar software, Facebook ads, all wrapped in a resonating story, makes the difference.