Three key ways to secure your website

Creating a website is always an exciting time. Whether for a passion project or a business venture, putting yourself online is an impressive feat. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you take the time to implement vital security measures, not only to keep your website project safe but also for your visitors.

Here are three things you need to do to keep your website safe.

1. Get an SSL certificate

SSL certificates are a vital part of any web security arsenal. A simple digital certificate you install on your website’s server, an SSL certificate encrypts the connection between your website and its users’ browsers. This means malicious actors can’t intercept or read data sent over it. This is especially important if you have an online store that takes credit cards or if you request personal information from users. SSL certificates are also a requirement if you want your website to be trusted by major web browsers. Relatively inexpensive (if you go to the right place!), there are multiple different types of SSLs on the market, so you’re sure to find one to suit your site.

2.   Keep your software and plugins updated

Whatever type of server or CMS you use, it’s vital to update its software regularly. Out-of-date programs are notoriously easy to exploit, and if hackers can, they will. While updating can seem like a pain, these updates often repair known vulnerabilities and thus enhance your website’s security. Not only that, out-of-date software can make your site buggy and slow things down. Why would you want that? If you have the option, consider adding notifications for new updates or implementing automatic software and plugin updates to your site.

3.   Use a Web Application Firewall

A Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a type of firewall that adds a layer of protection between your site and HTTP traffic coming from the Internet. It analyzes traffic to your site, filtering out the “bad” and allowing access to the “good”. WAFs are especially effective at protecting websites against SQL injections and cross-site scripting. Some plugins will enable you to install WAF at the application level, but we also recommend getting a server-side firewall, as this is what will keep resources on the server itself safe.

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Security might not be at the top of your mind when launching a website, but it should be. With cyberattacks continually on the rise, you never know what could happen, no matter how unimportant or unassuming you think your site is. It may seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Installing an SSL certificate, keeping software up-to-date, and installing a WAF are good starting points for keeping your site safe and secure.

Cybercriminals exploited hastily coded and unprotected software, and businesses vanished at the drop of a hat. This is why, in today’s world, web application security testing is crucial in web app development.