What are the fundamental Principles behind Devops?

DevOps is a new approach for creating software and IT-related products. DevOps originally is from the mixture of two words, “Development” and “Operations.” Development refers to the set of practices that are included in the development of software. Operations refer to the term IT operations. Together they make the term DevOps which refers to a set of practices for development and IT-based operations. 

DevOps means the set and practices which ensure a better and smooth flowing connection between the development and IT operations teams in software development. This philosophy helps create better communication and interaction between these teams within an organization. In its most basic form, DevOps is simply the term used for the automation, development, and maintenance of computer systems. Cloud DevOps can also help create a sense of cohesion and administration among the masses present within the computer systems. It can also significantly affect dealing with problems that occur during modern computing ways. 

Working of DevOps

Cloud DevOps essentially is designed to be a technique to enhance the overall lifecycle of a software development process. The major steps that are involved in a software development process are: 

  1. Plan
  2. Design
  3. Build
  4. Code
  5. Build
  6. Test
  7. Deploy
  8. Operate 
  9. Maintain

All these steps work together to create software in its working condition, and DevOps essentially helps in enhancing and helping all these steps to better perform and work coherently for the development of software. In an ideal sense, DevOps means that all the steps and stages along with the development of software run ideally, meaning that the teams write the code in a perfect manner. The software gets deployed without any hassle and runs optimally on the first try.

If you’ve had previous experience in programming, software, Linux, and Automation. In that case, you can master DevOps basics like the CI/CD pipeline and its instruments within a month by taking DevOps Training.

Cloud DevOps creates and uses new and improved methods for making the systems efficient. It uses tools and techniques so that the design and philosophy of the product remain the same before and after production. It uses traceable methods to support this technique.  

Fundamental Principles Behind Cloud DevOps

DevOps is a software development culture that defines and integrates software development, operations, and quality assurance under one roof. It helps mitigate all the procedures and techniques into one unit and helps in creating a better overall lifecycle for software development. Like each development process needs to ensure some set of rules and regulations, so does DevOps. 

DevOps also follow some fundamental principles that help ensure the working of DevOps methodologies. 

Following are the six major principles behind Cloud DevOps: 

Collaborative Environment

The basis of DevOps is to ensure a collaborating environment. DevOps helps create a unilateral team that provides all the software development, and deployment stages are met. Companies and enterprises to ensure such a collaborative working environment make IT teams and development teams work in tandem and confirm higher productivity rates. The executives should be questioned first in case of any lack of performance. 


One of the critical features of Cloud DevOps is to ensure automation in almost everything and anywhere possible. Automation allows the teams and developers to work solely on the creation of software and helps them focus on that goal only, and does not hinder them from any distraction headed their way. In DevOps, all the things which can be automated are generally automated. 

The automation procedure occurs in a closed and trusted environment within the DevOps domain itself. For example, if some code or attribute had to be automated rather than doing the procedure manually, it is done via software and tools. Automation can also help resolve any issues in infrastructure management procedures. DevOps allows software designed explicitly for handling infrastructure management issues. One of the examples of such software is ‘Pulumi.’

DevOps Pipeline

DevOps aims at creating a modular system that is easy to re-use when required. A Cloud DevOps team makes a pipeline known as the DevOps pipeline to achieve such a feat. A DevOps pipeline consists of 4 major steps: 

  1. Develop
  2. Build
  3. Test
  4. Deploy 

Continuous Integration

Continuous integration is a highly able method and is of great importance in the DevOps pipeline. This method mainly means that smaller parts of the code are pushed inside the principal repository, allowing clean and legal code to pass. This greatly diminishes the possibility of bad code being pushed into production. 

Continuous integration further provides an essential aspect to the DevOps pipeline called automated testing. This method helps automatically test the code that does not apply to the existing domain and only allows such code to be pushed into the central repository if applicable; hence, it will enable automated testing. 

Focus On Customers’ Needs

DevOps teams must be up to date and on their toes regarding the ever changing needs of customers. Cloud DevOps teams need to make sure that the product they are launching into the market meets all the current requirements of the customer intended to use it. Data must be constantly reviewed to ensure such an act.  

Continuous Monitoring

Continuous monitoring builds on the fundamentals of continuous integration (CI) and makes sure that no stone is left unturned in creating software that runs without any issues. 

Continuous monitoring also allows the Cloud DevOps teams to search for any hindrance that may come their way during production. They check all the necessary code and information beforehand and remove any such hindering possibilities. The pipeline is refreshed after every cycle, allowing all the legal and applicable material to pass through to remove any bottlenecks and blockades. 

DevOps Advantages and Challenges

DevOps have the following benefits: 

  1. Less downtime
  2. Rapid improvement
  3. Less work because of automation
  4. Broader roles and skills
  5. Streamlined development

DevOps face the following challenges: 

  1. Expensive tools required 
  2. Development proliferation
  3. Fragile automation
  4. Bottlenecks
  5. Riskier deployment


Cloud DevOps is the major game-changer in the domain of software deployment techniques and ensures a regulatory system with all its rules defined. It makes sure that all the aspects of the software deployment stages are met. Hence smooth and hassle-free development is done. DevOps has key principles which enable it to create a dynamic, modular, and diverse method for new software development.

Author Bio:

Name: Atiq ur Rehman 

Atiq ur Rehman is a technology web content creator and a cloud computing enthusiast working with cloud computing solutions and services corporate, enteriscloud.com.