Best Apps a Student Can Use While Studying


Studying at college or university means working on loads of information. Students need to track many processes simultaneously and stay on track in terms of various classes and disciplines. Using effective apps, students ease their daily studying activities and arrange all the methods by optimizing them. Apps that are reachable from smartphones or PC are perfect for organizing your work and track your progress. By using time-saving apps, you would dedicate more time to other activities necessary to you. For example, sports, hobbies, startups or other exciting options. By the way, to boost your studying performance, you can choose a service that provides homework help online. Such helpful online resources are irreplaceable when you are close to the deadline and need a helping hand from professionals.


This app is suitable for Android/iOS/Web and free to use. Students who are willing to get the most out of their notes and reach a high level of effectiveness would love Evernote. The app allows creating notes and other types of memos in various formats. You would be able to customize and adjust the interface for any needs. Evernote would perfectly fit such types of notices as pictures and references, handwritten notes, text files, audio files, and much more.

myHomework Student Planner

You can use this ultimate multipurpose planning app on Android/iOS/Windows. The app is free that could be crucial for students. myHomework allows easily tracing student’s schedules, including homework, classes, current and forthcoming projects, tests and exams, and more. The app would patiently send you gentle reminders to do not forget any of your assignments. You can use any schedule from time to period-based. Students can get more functions with a premium account.


Coggle allows creating and sharing mind maps of any difficulty. Students can use it when working on collaborative projects. Moreover, shared mindmaps are perfect for effective remote learning. Being a free online tool, Coggle additionally allows creating flow charts and diagrams right within your browser. The app is ideal for planning and brainstorming in groups. Moreover, it will enable visualizing ideas and track changes made by other people in the working group. Coggle is exceptionally effective when you need to share your thoughts and explain them in detail to teachers or classmates.

Google Drive

This app is free and adjustable to both iOS/Android systems. Google Drive combines file manager and sharing options with cloud storage functions. If you are among those students worried about their document’s destiny in case their PC crashes, Google Drive would be a perfect choice. Store and update any documents, tables, presentations, and more within this helpful app. By sharing any document with classmates and teachers, you could edit any assignment, pass tests, create polls, etc.


Students complete numerous written assignments daily. Among the everyday written tasks are essays, case studies, term papers, speeches, and other academic papers. Any student knows that one of the significant stages of writing a text is proofreading. To check the quality and effective editing of your papers, you can use the accessible version of Grammarly. For advanced functionality, you can get a premium account.

Oxford Dictionary

Free app for both Android/iOS allows getting online access to one of the world’s most extensive and best dictionaries, Oxford University Press’ Oxford English Dictionary. Being a top dictionary ODE is irreplaceable for students who often deal with various written assignments and frequently check their correctness and meaning. All you need to start using ODE free is to get your local library’s subscription and install an app.


This effective multipurpose app suitable for Android/iOS/Web and available free would shift your learning experience. By installing Go Conquer, you would receive access to many useful features that include mindmaps, notes, slides, quizzes, flashcards, and more. You would be able to engage your working group into collaboration online and resolve complex tasks effectively and fast. This app is among the best for social learning.


You could easily install Android/iOS free. StudyBlue is perfect for such types of studying activities as uploading and storing various documents, pictures, flow charts, and other materials. Moreover, an app allows creating flashcards that are sharable with others. By becoming a part of a working group within StudyBlue, you could effectively collaborate with the teacher and other students, make quizzes, and more.

Dragon Dictation

This app only suits iOS. Those who are perfect with dictation but not as good in writing would appreciate this app. All you need to do is start talking, and Dragon Dictation would do for you the rest. There are various functions in this app. You would be able to store the text and update it later, or you could create an email and send it within your mail agent, or you could paste the text into any other app.

We hope these apps are exciting and valuable for your educational needs. We believe this selection would give you a hint on how to ease your daily studies with the support of valuable helpers.