Competition and Work in 2022: Why COVID-19 has Permanently Changed Work 


Since the world has changed in the most unexpected ways, it is inevitable that our work and career will not stay the same. The outset of the pandemic has had an impact on the way we work. Things will never fully go back to the conventional methods of working. However, it is not all bad and there are advantages if made use of properly. 

Besides stating the obvious such as working from home and adjusting our routines, it is imperative that we look into how things have changed in the bigger picture. The statistics are telling us that remote work will most likely be looked at as the norm.

McKinsey’s researchers assume that 20 percent of the global workforce will be able to work remotely from their own abode at least three days a week. It has been predicted that going back to the conventional methods of working is unlikely. Beyond the work-from-home trend, many workplace experts believe the epidemic has shifted the power balance between employees and bosses at many businesses.

Even if so, it will take time to shift back. The Pandemic has cleared up a lot of stuff for us. It has changed the way we operate our lives. At least it is safe to say that things have taken quite a turn in relation to our work lives. You can check the website of Gaper to find out more about remote work life and advantages.

Acceptance of Remote Work

Some employees have welcomed the change and accepted it enthusiastically claiming that they “have never been happier and stress-free”. They further add that it is “insane” for them to “commute from one place with a computer to another place with a computer” solely for the sake of work.

Working remotely has also backed up the notion that many of the professions can be managed from any place, geographically speaking. Certain social media platforms, that is, Twitter and Facebook, have reported and introduced their respective ‘forever’ remote-work plans. Workers also contend that this change of work environment has been amusing and to one’s liking. 

Reports tell us people are more than happy and come up with more innovative ideas when working back from home. Editors and individuals interested in mass communication especially are making use of apps, online articles. Furthermore, platforms like YouTube, to experiment and come up with products, inventions, and services that are in fact unprecedented.

The Drawbacks of Remote Work

On the other hand, obviously, there are negative reviews and remote working hasn’t been looked at favorably. Individuals have switched from one profession to another whilst reassessing not only the current job itself but the values too. 

When talking about how COVID-19 has changed the overall competition, a few factors need to be taken into consideration. Firstly, how will someone new have a chance to bond with the other colleagues and form a solid foundation for their career? It is pertinent for young workers in specific to get to know the other colleagues. Thus, it is more useful when the tasks allocated thrive on teamwork.

Let’s talk about parents with young children and how that can pose a distraction. Children often barge in and interrupt their parents about 15 times per hour. How do parents strike a balance? This is one of the direct concerns, unfortunately. This will take a toll not only on mental health but productivity too.

Trouble Differentiating Work and Home Space

Employees have also expressed the troubles with the issue of not feeling like there is a ‘cut-off’ time for work as one never really “logs off”. No doubt the challenges are major but at the same time, the benefits reaped also hold immense value. 

Overall, the mindset definitely has changed. Workers are being challenged to strike an ideal balance between their work and other activities. To conclude, there is a lot that is still not known but discussing and highlighting both the pros and cons of remote working can make things relatively more clearer.

Separation of Critical Skills, Roles and Responsibilities

Prior to COVID-19, critical roles were thought to be those that required critical skill. Also, the talents that an organization requires have to achieve its strategic objectives. Employers are now recognising the existence of a new category of vital positions. These are the jobs that are necessary for the smooth operation of crucial workflows.

Some firms have recognized the pandemic’s humanitarian catastrophe. They have started to prioritize employees’ well-being as people over employees’ well-being as workers. 


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