Top 5 Reasons Mobile App Development is Important for Businesses


The software is multiplying and its usefulness is more and more obvious to manage your daily life. To this end, any company must ask itself the following question: should we launch a mobile application?

There is no clear-cut answer and the decision to develop an app must be carefully considered.

However, there are several good reasons why you should consider creating a mobile app.

  1. Privileged contact with your customers

Unlike the Internet or social networks that put you in constant competition with other players in your field of activity, the mobile application offers privileged contact with your customers.

  1. Cost-effective marketing

No more expensive advertisements via traditional communication channels or 4 x 3 signs displayed in the streets:

Mobile marketing allows even small businesses to promote themselves, without investing huge sums in it.

  1. A better-understood core target

An interested and captivated customer has every chance of becoming an enticed customer who makes the purchase or renews it.

  1. A presence without intrusion

This method of communication and loyalty is not intrusive in the life of the customer, it only brings added value.

At the same time, you build their trust in your business.

  1. An evolution that has become necessary

To be at the forefront of fashion, also consider Progressive Web Apps, new generation apps that require no installation.

What is the interest of a company to develop its own application?

Being efficient at all levels of the company is our credo. To do this, we give ourselves the means to achieve your objectives by creating, for you, a tailor-made business application that meets your specific and unique needs.

  • It is divided into three parts:
  • easy to integrate services
  • recognized applications with proven performance
  • flexible and scalable solutions

We provide tracking and hosting support services. A dedicated team also monitors your application for the company around the clock. Our hotline is here for you. Troubleshooting and updates are included. You can devote yourself to the most important “your business” with complete peace of mind.

Things to consider before developing a mobile app

The final objective being to develop a business mobile app that perfectly matches the specific needs of your departments and employees, we first take your expectations into account. The application must be efficient and easy to use. It must be mobile and able to be launched from a smartphone as well as a tablet or an iPad. Being able to remotely manage all of one’s business constraints is now essential for proper management of the various problems encountered in the field; and counting on a simplified entry of information is crucial to the good competitiveness of the company.

A mobile business application is easy to learn, the process of entering information is simple and fluid, which saves significant time in managing the company. A professional application is essential. Whether it is the external services, the sales representatives who can thus react in real-time, as well as the logistics, the warehouse or the delivery service, and the delivery person in the field.

Each at his own level manages in real-time and reacts in the same way to any problems encountered. Maintenance technicians, for their part, will be provided with a specialized application corresponding to the specific problems they encounter on site. The same goes with medical visitors or pharmaceutical representatives and by extension, this will be applicable to many other functions or specialized trades. The most important thing at this stage is to fully understand what users need.

The project manager and his web development team refine, in collaboration with your teams, the specifications. This helps you clarify your expectations and assess the expected benefit.

Expressing our profession as developers differently encourages us to ask ourselves more questions: what is the problem encountered? Today, how is it resolved? What specific needs would the application meet? Does this need to be shared by a significant number of people? Would a dedicated mobile application bring a real advantage, an additional added value?

Knowing your target is also very important. Is it mobile? With what equipment and environment? Are the functionalities of this equipment likely to satisfy the need expressed? This first step is based on workshops and individual interviews with users, which makes it possible to ensure the reality of the need and that a company mobile application is necessary, but also to identify the first motivated beta testers.

Estimating the budget is a key element before starting development. Four items must be taken into account because it is necessary to ensure that the cost of developing the application remains consistent with the cost and the expected benefit.

  • The estimate includes:
  • app design
  • the definition of ergonomic principles
  • the development of models
  • the technical design of the architecture (how are exchanges and integration with the information system or the back-office going?)


Just imagine: in 2016, the total time spent on apps worldwide was 1.6 trillion hours and each user spent an average of 3 hours on their phone ( much higher time among young people ). In the United States, a country often acting as a precursor, each smartphone owner uses at least 35 different applications in the month.

These figures are really enough to make you dizzy, but above all they demonstrate the importance that mobile applications have taken on in our lives and their immense potential. The icing on the cake: mobile applications with the particularity of having a very highly engaged type of audience, it would be a shame if your company did not benefit from it!


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