The Importance of Fashion for a Woman in This Digital Era

Fashion for a Woman

Technology has changed the way today’s fashion businesses drives its consumer’s engagement to get a mutual advantage out of it. Fashion is often seen as a frolicsome, ineffectual and ephemeral industry trying to survive against all the odds. According to the recent past statistics, it is valued above $3 trillion and is the second biggest world-wide economic activity employing over 57 million workers in developing countries alone, 80% of whom are women.  But many people fail to really appreciate the aiding and the far reaching effect it has world-wide.

The Digital Platform

Social media has revolutionized the activities, practices, and behaviors among groups of people who come online to share information, experiences and perspectives using informal media. Informal or conversational media are basically online based applications that have enabled to create and transmit content as words, pictures, videos and audios. (Brake, 2009).  And fashion industry being no exception to it.

But, Fashion, What is it?

Fashion as explained is self-expression, at a particular period and place and in a specific context, of clothing, footwear, lifestyle, accessories, makeup, hairstyle, and body posture. Cultural, Social norms and the current trends seem to give it a form.

Eras and Impact

Different eras have brought with it something new pertaining to fashion and design. In the 60s geometric patterns were very much in. The following decade of the 70s had styles like the earth tones, greys, whites, Reds and blacks. In the 80s fashion was influenced by most TV programs and Channels like MTV, as young viewers tuned in to see fashion being promoted. The 1990s marked the beginning of clothing design treats for women especially. As each period came to an end, it brought new trends and left something valued for designers and fashion brands.

Working women vs home makers

Working women are more aware than their counterparts who are home makers; using computers or smartphones, fashion savvy women shoppers around the world can now take home their favorite stuff but also receive best discount codes or coupons on their favorite clothing lines.

Artificial Intelligence – The Power of Change

In recent times, Business have gauged themselves according to the changing aspirations of the ever-changing trends in the fashion industry specially to enhance shopping experiences, analyze data for future reference, boost sales, forecast trends and offer discounts and inventory-related supervision.

For this, software related to artificial Intelligence is now playing a key role in the fashion industry. Women cannot only imagine but also foresee them in the designers’ suit by using this utility installed at most of the major stores.

Some brands, such as Tommy Hilfiger and Gucci, are offering digital showrooms to scale the market’s appetite. Some, like Taylor Stitch, allow customers to pre-order digital designs before they go into production.

This technology has revolutionized this industry as enriched data information can help business to improve the total supply chain starting from the pre-conception of the design to manufacturing, sales and advertising.

Importance of social media and influencers

Businesses are using Social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blog, wiki, and the many other social platforms to boost their sales. Through their pages they ask the customers who have engaged with them to leave reviews and share their experiences. They also ask for referrals who can be future prospective customers.

In a survey study, by Qualman (2009) concluded that most young adults are power users of social media. They are always on the outlook for their favorite brands and engage through these online platforms. Their opinion plays a major role in driving the other buyers to make decisions. According to “Young Adult Revealed” a global survey was held on 12603 people from 18 to 24 years old among 26 countries to find out how much young adults engage online with brands every day. The result shows 28% talked about brand on a discussion forum, 19% added brand related content to their homepage on favorite social sites. Stephenson (2009) concludes that in accordance to a public relations director for Betsey Johnson “Agatha Szczepaniak” the social media website especially Twitter is considered as an opportunity to get access to customers .They have actually become the human voice for the brand and can be used for free advertising.

Creativity with style

Many Businesses are using creativity with style as a tool to attract women towards their brands.

For this storytelling has become one of the most important aspects of the Business, writes novelist and fashion Editor Sophie Fontanel on the Nouvel Obs website because of the Pandemic the world faces.

Different Social media accounts or pages are being used in this context. Brands promote their collections by using these based on successful storytelling techniques. For e.g. the designers Marine Serre, Loewe and Dior took part in an exercise to show and explain the stages of manufacturing. This is proving to be the skill, while giving the viewer a good reason to invest.

Customer Centric Marketing

Giants in the Fashion industry have turned their attention and are going to end to end digital. In this way they are focusing to be customer centric and develop personal relationships. This is helping in increasing sales. It is bringing the designer closer to the customer as feedback can be sought on real-time basis.

Knowledge and Skill can turn the home makers into Entrepreneurs

If the non-working women intentionally focus, can benefit a lot out of the above trends. They can opt to run their own fashion businesses online and from the very desk of their home. Understanding of how the social media operates and the trends existing on it can help women work online as successful entrepreneurs and earn their family living.

Even knowledge of online trends can be accurate, and one can act in real-time to adapt to it. This will help in reacting accordingly for the successful running of businesses from home.

Close interaction of brand owners with both home businesses and local retailers will help in understanding the changing requirements, demands, personal customization of products where required and instant assistance at low prices. This will play a domino effect if the target is hit accurately.

Summing up these trends

Women can learn and grasp these trends for successful shopping and to start businesses from home, if they want to pursue during this economically weak situation existing globally to give a supportive income to their families or even themselves.