Want to Contribute to Tech Field? You May Open a Software Venture!

Software tech filed

Software companies are growing at a high rate, and now we see a drastic increment in the number of software companies in megacities. In such a scenario, if you are willing to manipulate and accumulate your life interest and career orientation in Software, then it would be feasible for you in many aspects.

In this blog, we will tell you if you want to start a software company, then what is going to be the process. Along with this, you will know the different types of software companies. All you need is go through the content mentioned below.

Types of software companies

Worldwide, you can see the two types of software companies;

  1. Service or Consulting based
  2. Product or Development based

According to Companies House Data, a total number of 10,016 software development and programming businesses are practising in the UK. Do you want to know the examples? Here they are:-

  • Intellect Soft UK
  • DCSL Software Limited
  • Alcium Software
  • Pulsion Technology

These types of companies consult clients in business terms. These also impart the knowledge and services of information technology and software engineering, and outsourcing services.

The product or development based companies own many primary product sources. They provide a significant part in revenues. Amazon, Google and Microsoft, are the companies offering these types of production sources.

What steps can be procured to start with a software company:

Collecting funds

To fund your business, you must have a source of funding or else you must be taking the help of banks in executing so. Many sources are there to get financial assistance from. These are Crowdfunding, Angel Investment and venture capital funding.

Perhaps, you have quick loans in Ireland. These are relatively easy to access. Besides, they have simple terms and conditions, according to the profile of the borrower.

Create a business plan

It is an essential part of starting up with any business to make a business plan. This can be called a roadmap where you need to step towards. Many people, several times, tend to skip this step. It cannot bring satisfactory results.

It does not matter how quick you are in the race of starting up your business. You have to make a proper and oriented business plan.

That business plan must be based on team research. You can procure after the keen observance of every module of competition in business.

You can choose the type of Software Company in your business plan. It is according to your business interest and application.

The business should be enacted wherein you can give your 100%. You need to choose the products and services. There is also a need to opt for a specific audience and, finally, market.

Decide the structure of the Business organisation

After choosing the right type for your business, you have to decide whether you want to start your business in partnership or not.

Either you wish for serving the whole nation or in a particular local region.

Selecting a suitable area/ region for business

You have to think about the kind of software you want to work upon. This will depict your product being sold across the nation or limited to certain or specific regions. Yet, you have to focus on the nation’s specialised area for your business, where you can find most of the profits.

Registering the software company

You need to register your company in the Registrar of Companies’ or ROC. For this, you have to decide on at least three or four names that cannot have any match with the existing ones. Besides this, you will have to fill the forms in which you will be providing the basic personal knowledge of your company.

You have to claim for the legal entity if you want to start up a software company. This is why you can choose any suitable legal entity out of these:

Sole proprietorship Firm

This is not a company, but you need its help to start with a new idea of penning a company.

Partnership Firm

There are co-founders along with the business owners who team up together to execute their ideas.

LLP (Limited Liability partnership)

It is considered a real company in the UK. There are more than 90% of business owners register their companies on its name.

Choosing an office location

While choosing the location for your company, you need to pay attention to the availability of labour, technology like internet connection and other resources.


At first, you should make the minimum possible investments while setting up your office. You can rent an office or on lease. You should prevent yourself from making more expenditure on space.

You need to hire experienced employees or fresh people with maximum knowledge of the field. This will ensure your business fulfilment and flourish.