When’s the Last Time You Did Something Nice for Yourself?

Splurge on something

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it can be easy to overlook our own needs and wants. However, it’s important that we take care of ourselves and treat ourselves as a reward for all of our hard work. Have you slowed down and thought to yourself, when was the last time I did something nice for myself? If so, here are some ideas to help you find something that you deserve to buy or do for yourself.

Splurge on something that you’ve had your eye on for a while.

It’s not uncommon to see something we want, only to widen our eyes at the price tag and turn the other way. That being said, making the decision to splurge on something that we really want once in a while is absolutely okay. For example, let’s imagine that you’ve had your eyes on Kendra Scott Jewelry.

Whether you’re interested in buying a new bracelet, necklace, or earrings, there are plenty of awesome jewelry options at Kendra Scott that can enhance your wardrobe and make you feel stunning. Don’t be afraid to buy yourself something you deserve!

Have your own spa day from the comfort of your own home.


Going to a local spa can be expensive and, sometimes, not worth the trouble. Instead of risking a bad experience, why not have your own spa day at home? You can break out your favorite face masks and bath bombs (or essential oils like lavender or eucalyptus), add some candles and flower petals for ambiance, and have a soak in the tub while you listen to soothing music and enjoy a much-needed break from external stressors.

While you’re at it, you may even want to try a completely new product in your self-care routine, like cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is a cannabinoid that is derived from hemp and is said to offer benefits similar to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) without the psychoactive effects. You can take advantage of this by looking for a CBD topical like CBD cream to apply to the skin that may enhance your skin quality and look (especially if your chosen CBD product uses other natural ingredients).

Setting aside some time to look for the best CBD cream will help you locate a product with organic ingredients, no contaminants (herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals), and affordable pricing. When it comes to your health, you should only purchase topicals like balms, salves, and massage oils from the best CBD brands.

Just a quick note to remember, the lack of research for CBD means that there’s no evidence to support some of the health claims being made by CBD companies. For example, some companies may claim that CBD creams can help with inflammation, pain relief from chronic pain or joint pain, or even sore muscles and aches. However, there is no definitive support to prove this. Before you take CBD (whether you’re interested in topical creams, CBD oils, or gummies), speak with your doctor to understand the risks, side effects, and interactions it may have with other medications.

Take a day off to do absolutely nothing at all.

Sometimes, the best way to treat yourself is to do absolutely nothing at all. Whether you have a day off coming up or you want to request one, schedule nothing in for the day. This can look like ordering a pizza, planting yourself in bed, and spending the whole day watching your favorite movies or reading your favorite books. Although it can feel strange at first, you’re sure to enjoy spending a day off avoiding any activities that could stress you out.

Has it been a while since you’ve done something just for yourself? If so, you can use some of the ideas above to plan out something exciting for yourself that you will truly appreciate!