7 Advantage of having a mobile app for your field service software

Field service software has been an evolving industry in recent ages helping small and medium-sized businesses grow and stabilize.

What era are we living in? The era where technology has made life more accessible and convenient for human beings. An era where everything works in command of our voice and everything is automated within technology.

Field service software has been an evolving industry in recent ages helping small and medium-sized businesses grow and stabilize. This software helps streamline work orders, automate field services, monitor technicians, and simultaneously manage the field and office. Many industries like healthcare, e-commerce, IT, cleaning services, property management, electricians and plumbing, HVAC industry, etc. With field service management software, technicians can work with less pressure as the software manages most official functions.

Now imagine if this convenience is available right in your pocket? That is one of the definitions for field service management mobile apps. It helps reduce work pressure and automates most of the functions with the help of integrations. The mobile app is your assistant when you can’t access the website software.

Functions of Field Service Management software

The software helps carry most of the burdens on the field and the office. It digitalizes the business allowing the organization to access all your documents from any location and at any time. Here are some significant features of the software

Scheduling and dispatching: This feature organizes all the work orders based on date, time, and technician. It makes sure that field professionals are dispatched on time and with the required information. It helps avoid confusion and overbooking of technicians.

QuickBooks: QuickBooks online integration allows you to get access to multiple customer information and increase your database. It also helps with updating your accounts and eliminating errors.

Reports and Dashboard: With this feature, you can track the progress of every sector within your business, from work orders to technicians. It gives you a regular analysis of your company’s performance.

Customer management: Provide your customers with easy and convenient service at all times. The software helps understand customer needs, recurring services and automate work orders.

Team management: Field service software also helps with managing technicians on the field. You can track them, monitor their performance, working hours, and direct them from the office. The software is a great help to connect the field and the office.


Advantages of using the mobile app software

In addition to these functions, the field service management mobile app has more customized features customized to handle the field in addition to these functions. The mobile app is a mobilized version of the website software. Since you cannot carry your desktop to the field, the field management app is your savior. It functions just like the website software with the extra sophisticated features.

Estimates and Invoices: On competition of work on the field, the software enables the field technicians to create invoices on-premise. This gives way to immediate and quick payments. It is also convenient to get customer approval and to save the invoice directly in the cloud. Technicians can attach before and after work images to the invoices for evidence purposes. Another benefit the software provides is inserting equipment data like the owner, model, user, etc. The invoices and estimates are attached with all the required information for the customer’s reference and official purposes.

GPS integration: With the GPS tracking software in hand, technicians can easily find customer location through easy and short routes, avoid traffic and save money on fuel. The tracker also allows the management to track the technicians on the field and direct them in emergencies.

Calendar Views: The calendar allows team leaders to manage their schedules and dispatches on time. It sends reminders before the scheduled work orders, meetings, and other essential notifications synced to the software. Technicians The calendar can be viewed by date, week, month, or year to provide a clear overview of the assigned duties and responsibilities. Turning on the mobile app notification makes it easier to send reminders and notifications.

Time tracking: One of the most helpful features provided by field service software in their mobile apps is the option to track your working hours. With the time cards option, field professionals can monitor their working hours and increase their billable hours. It records the exact amount of time spent on the field and ensures that they are paid for the same. This function helps manage turnover rates. It allows the team leader to manage the attendance and working hours of the technicians.

Equipment tracking: While on the field, there are times when you might require a heavy material or equipment urgently. Equipment tracking software comes in handy in such situations, where you can find the history of the equipment used and immediately track its location. This feature lets you know who used it, where, where, the owner, and even the model details of the tool.

SaaS website: All field service management software works on SaaS-based websites. It allows you to access and upload all your data to the cloud and not have to worry about storage space on your desktop or mobile devices. The SaaS feature allows you to gain information from the website and your mobile app simultaneously. This added advantage runs based on artificial intelligence and eliminates any leakage in data or malfunctioning. The mobile app is faster and more accessible than the website software.

Customer Relationship: The field management app is the most convenient to manage work orders, book services, and acknowledge bills. It allows organizations to respond to customer queries faster and add more value to their needs. It opens a passage to build connections with customers while establishing customer loyalty. More engagement leads to more personalized marketing and conversion. They provide a better experience, are more convenient, and loads faster than the website content.

Field service software has been a helping hand for many small and medium-sized businesses to expand their boundaries and rise to heights. One of the significant support for that was their sophisticated mobile app for field service management. It has helped make field service easier for technicians and allowed a convenient transaction of data and information between the field and the office. A mobile app is a valuable tool that enhances the service experience of the customer and its provider. It saves time and effort by digitizing your business and reducing the usage of manual labor for calculations, printing, writing, etc.

The field management app makes sure that all the website services are available remotely and more convenient for the users. It ensures extra features to reduce the pressure of technicians on the field. The mobile app allows personalization, and some features can be operated offline too. It makes your work easier and smoother.

Author Bio – Code is the central element that governs Joy Gomez’s universe; how he thinks, and how he lives. He is a self-taught, process-driven programmer and a first-generation immigrant from Southern India. He has completed engineering school while working full time with generous support and scholarships from employers due to his high productivity and drive. He is and has a Black belt in Lean Six Sigma. He has created Field Promax to pursue his natural-born expertise – code, streamline processes, and code more.


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