All You Need To Know About Optimising The Angular App


There is no doubt about the potential and performance of the Angular framework, but seldom do some challenges erupt that drag its performance. This article will find tips and tricks to improve Angular performance. And also some common problems in Angular apps and their possible solutions. So without any further ado, let’s get started!

Troubleshooting Common Performance Issue In Angular Apps

There are a lot of performance issues that can occur in Angular apps. This troubleshooting mantra will help you identify and solve the common performance issue in your Angular apps:

Slow Loading: When an app gets slower than its actual speed, something is wrong with the app. In order to solve such issues, Angular developers should use PWA or static content. Or consider changing hosting if the problem persists.

Occupy Servers Unnecessary: Occupying an unnecessary server is a threat to the security of an Angular app. It makes an application vulnerable to cyberattacks. To prevent it, disable unnecessary change detection. This will enhance the performance of your app as well.

Unexpected App Crash: The crashing app issue is not good for business. It happens when numerous requests are made to the server in a short period. The solution is to either slow down HTTP response or use any good service aggregator.

Incompatible With Migrated Technology: When a user migrates to new technology, it may not work as it worked before migration. To solve these kinds of performance issues, terminating the inessential mathematical recomputations can help.

Angular App Optimization Tricks

Following tricks can help you optimise your Angular app:

AOT Compilation

It is often seen that Angular apps have a lot of code and can be slow to load. This is because they rely on a dynamic compilation that creates a new build each time the app is loaded. This can be solved by using AOT compilation, which creates a single build for all users and improves performance.

The main benefit of AoT compilation is that it allows for better performance and faster startup time than traditional web apps, which are compiled on-the-fly in response to HTTP requests.

The idea behind AOT compilation was to make sure that Angular apps are fast and efficient while also working on older browsers.

Server-Side Rendering

Server-side rendering is a technique that can boost angular app performance by reducing the load time of an application. It renders the application on the server-side instead of loading it from client-side scripts. This makes apps faster, more scalable, and easier to maintain.


Angular developers can use tree-shaking to remove unused code from their app, which will help in reducing the size of their app and improving performance. It is a process of optimizing Angular apps by removing unused code from production builds. An optimized build will have a small bundle size, which is faster to download and will perform better on modern browsers.

It is done by extracting dependency graphs for an Angular app and removing code that is not reachable from other parts of the program. This removes unnecessary code, thereby crunching the app size. Tree-shaking can be done using the angular-CLI command-line interface or Webpack’s tree-shaking plugin.

Gzip Compression

Gzip compression is the process of taking data and compressing it into a more efficient form. This process can be used to reduce the size of web pages, images, videos, and other files.

Gzip compression can be used to use server resources by reducing the number of requests made from clients. It also helps speed up load times for websites and apps by compressing static resources like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images.

It is important to note that gzip compression should not be applied indiscriminately on all static resources because it will cause some loss in


Lazy Loading

Lazy loading is a performance optimization technique that reduces the time it takes to load a page by only loading the page’s components when needed. Lazy loading Angular apps can be done in different ways. The simplest way is to use LazyLoad Module and set up a directive that will wait until it’s loaded before executing. Other techniques include using ng-if and ng-show based on the visibility of components and using async


Benefits of lazy loading:

– Reduce app load time by only loading what is needed

– Can improve performance by making sure that your app doesn’t need to spend unnecessary time rendering parts of your application.

Minimise The JavaScript

Minifying your javascript can help reduce the size of your website/app, making it load faster and easier for your users to navigate. This is because it reduces the size of javascript code and makes it easier for browsers to parse. To minify the JavaScript code, you can use a tool like Angular CLI. You can also use the text editor and save it as a .js file and then run it through uglify-js to minify it.

Improve UX

The UX of an app affects how it performs in speed and responsiveness. If there are any issues with the UX, then performance suffers and leads to more crashes and errors in the app.

The improved UX in Angular apps leads to higher app performance. You can use the Angular Material library to create beautiful user interfaces with less code and effort.

The Angular Material library has a pool of UI components optimized for speed and performance. The collection includes components like buttons, dropdowns, sliders, dialogs, and more.

Shift To PWA

The progressive web app is modern technology that improves the performance of web apps. They are more lightweight and faster than a traditional app. It works in a browser, uses HTTPS, and can be updated without reloading the entire page.

Companies like Uber and Instagram have used PWA to improve the performance of their websites. With PWA, users will get an offline experience even when they don’t have an internet connection. This can help with user retention rates as users won’t have to go through any hassle to access the content on your website or app.

They are available in two types – static and dynamic.

The static progressive web app is a site that offers a single, static HTML/CSS/JS page and doesn’t require any server-side code to be executed. These apps are built with one single HTML file and are served by HTTP, HTTPS, or even non-HTTP websites.

A dynamic, progressive web app uses JavaScript to build its UI as the user interacts with it. These apps have server-side code executed when they are first opened, making them faster than static progressive web apps.

Closing Notes

So there are the angular performance tuning tips that you should implement if the performance of your Angular app deteriorates. We can assure you that your Angular app will perform like no other by following these tricks. In order to get the best out of your app, hire angular developers who can do maintenance of your app and keep a close watch

on all the essential metrics.

EnProwess is a global offshore web & app development company established with a mission to evolve the world’s digital landscape with our finest app development services.

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Author Bio:

I, Bhavik Trivedi, VP at EnProwess – a leading Software development company that provides offshore developers at a reasonable price. I am passionate about learning and teaching technology-related stuff and how to build profitable tech businesses. I love to talk about technology and the future of the world. I always welcome the opportunity to share my knowledge, passion, and enthusiasm for all things tech!