Best ways to Download your Aadhaar Card by Name and Date of Birth


“The Aadhaar system in India is the most sophisticated ID system that I’ve seen. It’s the basis for all kinds of connections that involve things like financial transactions.”

         – Paul Romer, Nobel Prize Winner & Former Chief Economist, World Bank

September 29, 2010, is a very special date for India and all Indians.

No. The Indian cricket team did not win the World Cup on this day. It was not a day when India had a rich haul at the Olympics. It was not a major festive event either. But yet the day was very special. Do you know why?

It was on this day the very first Aadhaar card was issued in the Nandurbar district of Maharashtra. Mrs Ranjana Sonawane was that proud woman who received it. Since then, over 1.3 billion people have been issued the card making it the world’s most extensive biometric ID program.

Getting an Aadhaar card is easy. You can either go to the nearest enrollment center or can download the Aadhaar card form from the UIDAI website to apply.

Aadhaar – The Game Changer

All Indian citizens are assigned an Aadhaar number, which is a 12-digit identification number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). As per the latest reports, India has a whopping 133 Crore Aadhaar cards. Almost the entire adult population of the country has been covered. It is a poster boy of India’s technological innovation.

Today it has become such an integral part that it’s difficult to imagine life without Aadhaar.

Whether it is getting a new mobile SIM, opening a bank account, filing tax returns, or getting an LPG connection, you need this basic document.

You can either obtain a physical copy at your mailing address or can download the Aadhaar card and get its digital version e-Aadhaar card within minutes.

If you happen to lose your Aadhaar card or you do not have it when you are required to produce it, you can quickly get the e-Aadhaar card from the UIDAI website.

Yes. Thanks to the digital revolution. It’s that simple and easy to obtain your Aadhaar card today!

The e-Aadhaar card is password protected and digitally signed by UIDAI. It is equally valid as the physical card.

Once you complete the enrollment procedure, you can obtain the e-Aadhaar card by using either of the following means:

  • Using Aadhaar number
  • Using Enrollment ID (EID)
  • Using a Virtual ID (VID)
  • Using DigiLocker
  • Using your Name & Date of Birth

But what do you do if you have lost your Aadhaar card or have no access to the card when you need it urgently?

You need not worry. The Aadhaar card download procedure using personal details like name, date of birth, and mobile number is quite simple.

What is the Procedure?

Step 1: Visit the official website of UIDAI –

Step 2: Select My Aadhaar on the Home page

Step 3: Under Aadhaar Services, select Retrieve Lost or Forgotten EID/UID

(Or directly click the link –

Step 4: Now select the Aadhaar Number on the screen

Step 5: Enter your Name, Mobile Number, and also the Captcha Verification Code

Step 6: Click the button Send OTP to receive the OTP on your registered mobile number

Step 7: Enter the OTP received on your mobile and click Login

Step 8: A message appears on the screen stating that the Aadhaar number has been sent to your registered mobile number

Step 9: Go back to the Home page. Select My Aadhaar and click Download Aadhaar

Step 10: On the new page that appears, enter the Aadhaar number that you just received as well as the Captcha code.

Step 11: Click on Send OTP to receive it on your mobile number

Step 12: Enter the OTP and then click on Verify & Download

Step 13: Once the verification is successful, a PDF file is downloaded, which is password protected.

Step 14: The password contains 8 characters which is a combination of the first 4 letters of your name (as per Aadhaar) in capital and your birth year in YYYY format. (E.g., If your name is Rajiv and your birth year is 2001, the password shall be RAJI2001)

Once you enter the password, the e-Aadhaar card is displayed on the screen.

This was a simple step-by-step process to download the Aadhaar card using your name and date of birth.

Things To Take Into Consideration:

  1. To download the Aadhaar card, you must have the Aadhaar number. But if you have lost the card (and the number), you first need to retrieve the number using your name and the registered mobile number
  2. It is not possible to download the Aadhaar card if your mobile number is not registered with UIDAI (OTP is sent only to the registered mobile number)
  3. There is no limit on the number of times you can download the Aadhaar
  4. You can take a printout of the e-Aadhaar card and use it. Adobe Reader is the supporting software required to open the file
  5. The Aadhaar card you download online can be used just like the physical card
  6. The Mask Aadhaar feature allows you to hide the Aadhaar number in the Aadhaar card. The first 8 digits of the Aadhaar number are hidden (shown as XXXX-XXXX), and only the last 4 digits are visible
  7. The Aadhaar number is unique to every individual and is also portable. The identity of any person can be verified online (anywhere and anytime) across the country.

Summing Up:

There are fears regarding the security and safety of personal data that you have to share with UIDAI. But these are largely unfounded as only minimal information is required to be given. The database does not store information related to your finances, health, education, religion, etc.

There is absolutely no scope for the hacking of bank accounts by just using the Aadhaar number.

Once the e-Aadhaar card is downloaded, life becomes simple & convenient. There is no fear of losing the card or misplacing it, and you can access it anytime. It serves as valid proof of your identity and residence that you can use without the hassle of carrying the physical card everywhere.

It certainly takes immense complexity to produce utmost simplicity. Aadhaar is truly the foundation for powering the digital economy and transforming India!