A Few Benefits Offered to Employees Under Workers’ Compensation Programs


Anyone can get injured at the workplace due to a lack of skills, expertise, and improper training. Sometimes, the work environment can make you sick in such a manner that you are unable to work. In all these instances, you are entitled to receive financial assistance from your employer. If you are unaware of the workers’ comp in Cedar Rapids, you should learn about it before joining any company. Some of the benefits offered under this program are elaborated on below:

Medical coverage for employees

All employees, who get injured and file the workers’ compensation, will receive medical coverage. It pays the costs associated with the treatment received due to occupational illness and injury. The coverage includes medical bills, doctor’s fees, nursing care, diagnostic tests, and medications. In case, the treatment requires you to use medical equipment such as a wheelchair or crutches, or physical therapy, the employee will be paid for them as well. 

Compensation for disability 

If an employee has become disabled because of work commitments, he can get the workers’ compensation from the employer. There may be certain categories to obtain such compensation. They include temporary and permanent disabilities. Due to the temporary disability, the employee may not be able to work for a few days, weeks, and even months. The employee will receive the compensation because he may not be able to get the monthly salary. For instance, if he has injured his back, he may not be able to work for about three months.

In the case of a permanent disability, he will receive more compensation. For instance, he may have lost his eyesight due to a work injury; he may not be able to return to his work for a long time. Depending on the extent of his disability, compensation is awarded.

Undergoing rehabilitation 

If the employee undergoes rehabilitation so that he can recover fast, he can obtain the compensation associated with it. This type of facility will help the worker return to work in the quickest possible manner.  If the worker has suffered from mental illness due to work, the right kind of assistance is provided to him.

Death of the employee

In case, the employee dies at the workplace due to on-job injuries, the employer will have to pay compensation to the spouse and children of the dead employee. The burial charges are also borne by the employer. 

If you have some doubts about the workers’ compensation, it is suggested to contact a workers’ comp lawyer.