How to make a cloud-based application? 

cloud-based application

Umm, can you think of any mobile or web application? Well, I’m pretty sure you’ve hit the mark and thought of so many different applications because as soon as we wake up, the first thing we check is our phone or tab, and hundreds of applications reside.  

However, can you now name any cloud-based application within seconds? You could feel that this one is a little trickier to solve. I do have some good news, though. In actuality, cloud-based apps are now practically mainstream. Therefore, there is a greater chance that the apps you recalled first are also cloud-based. 

According to Statista report, the cloud storage market is expected to grow substantially, around USD 376.67 billion by 2029. 

Whoa, it’s a huge number! You can very well see the craze behind cloud-based applications. 

Curious to know more about them? Come on. 

As a software engineer myself, with the help of my knowledge and experience, I’ll outline the process of mobile and web application development using cloud computing. Along with that, I’ll also reveal the benefits you can experience while developing cloud-based apps.  

Let’s buckle down and move ahead! 

What is a Cloud-Based Application? 

Any application that uses network functionality is referred to as cloud-based. In the case of these apps, computation, and storage take place on external servers, and users only receive the outcomes of those calculations. Cloud-based apps and their infrastructures are utilized and controlled remotely and typically have a web interface. Google Docs and office 365 are excellent examples since all you need to utilize them is a device that can run a web browser and supports an internet connection.  

Despite the wide variety of cloud computing services available, most fit into one of the following categories. These categories are also referred to as types of cloud-based applications. So, let’s understand the different types of cloud-based categories  

  • IaaSInfrastructure as a Service 

Cloud application development services provider will manage every aspect of your company’s infrastructure, including the network, servers, storage, and visualization. Either a public or private cloud is used to administer this infrastructure. Moreover, in addition to managing the services, IaaS cloud services also provide a wide range of other cloud application development services. 

  • PaaSPlatform as a Service 

It is typically utilized for operating systems, infrastructures, and development tools. PaaS enables you to hire any service and resource required for mobile and web application development. This means that in order to develop cloud applications, you will be using a complete cloud application platform (hardware and software).  

  • SaaSSoftware as a Service 

It refers to building cloud applications via mobile and web browsers. Customers can access SaaS applications online without ever configuring or installing them on a device, thanks to SaaS application development.    

Benefits of Using Cloud-Based Applications 

Since most of the data storage and processing challenges are handled by remote servers, cloud application development is advantageous for every business and industry vertical. Several other evident advantages of deploying cloud application development services are listed below. 

Let’s have a look at them one by one: 

  • Security and Safety – Data security monitoring is the sole responsibility of a cloud host, which is far more effective than a traditional in-house solution. Developing cloud-based solutions also makes it simpler to adhere to legislative security protocols. 
  • Cost-Effective – The only feature sets and cloud space charged by cloud service providers are those necessary for your application development model. Every cloud deployment solution that considers lower costs and better results are subject to the pay-as-you-go system. 
  • Competitive Edge – Cloud services provide a better customer experience with integrated AI technology, such as assistants and chatbots. 
  • Flexibility – Compared to hosting on a local server, creating cloud applications allows greater flexibility overall. Cloud application development services can rapidly address your needs if you require more bandwidth. 
  • Wide Solution Range – By expanding the range of services and resources available to the business model, cloud-based solutions can contribute to the organization’s name and fame. These cloud computing platforms can manage everything, including CRM and ERP options.  

Cloud-Based App: The Roadmap to Follow  

As a result of the necessity to understand how to build cloud solutions on a chosen service provider, there is a significant difference between cloud and web application development. 

Moreover, building any digital solution requires time and money, and cloud-based solutions are no exception. 

You must first gain a deeper understanding of your client’s requirements, identify their concerns, and discover a solution to address them through your product. All this should be done and dusted prior to beginning the cloud app development process. It is the best approach to succeed in this cutthroat industry. 

Let’s walk through the fundamental steps of developing cloud-based solutions. 

STEP.1: Thorough Market Analysis 

Proper and in-depth market research is required to understand the problems of your clients in order to complete a task. This will help you develop a robust solution that offers high value to your end users. 

STEP.2: Hire Best Development Team 

Having skilled and experienced staff is essential to develop cloud-based apps. Now you must be wondering where to find these expert developers for cloud applications.  

Please allow me to tell you! 

Software developers can be hired from one of three main sources: hiring an in-house development team, outsourcing companies, or freelance developers. 

STEP.3: Decide on Functionalities and Architecture 

The triumph of your app depends on the architecture and service model. These are the two most important factors. Because your choice will affect how well your application performs, you need to choose that carefully. For the greatest outcomes, I recommend you seek advice from professionals in providing the best cloud application development services. 

STEP.4: Determine the Tech Stack 

The technological stack you should employ for developing cloud apps should be discussed with the experts while you meet them to define the architecture. Experts will suggest the optimal solution once they have examined your needs, features, and design. Always keep the application’s scalability in mind because it will help you maintain your solution up to date. 

STEP.5: Careful Solution Testing 

A testing phase must always be included in the cloud application development process. Ensure your development team tests your product to identify and resolve any loopholes before launching it. Also, make sure that your application’s functions work properly and provide the right user experience. 

STEP.6: App Launch and Upgradations 

Following the app’s successful testing and its release on the Google Play store (for android) and App Store (for iOS), this is the last phase of the cloud app development process. To accelerate the process, the Google Play store uses automated testing. On the other hand, App Store leaves app testing to actual humans. So, when bugs are found, you will be asked to fix them. 

Summing Up! 

If you’re willing to develop an app, you’ll now probably create a cloud-based one. I do not promise a pleasant ride because building cloud-based applications can present scalability, security, and architecture challenges. Thanks to the cloud app development approach, you still have far better opportunities. 

Cloud computing solutions concentrate on business activities while leaving all maintenance concerns to the provider. Furthermore, utilizing a cloud is also quicker and safer. 

So, what you’re waiting for? 

Okay, I get it! You must be confused about where to begin and where to process, and there must be several doubts in your mind right now. So, to solve all your problems, avoid confusion, and make the development process seamless, you can also opt for a software company providing the best cloud application development services. They’ll make all your work easier.   

That’s all from my end. I hope this article helps you in every way possible. 

Thank you for your precious time. 

Author Bio:

Sarrah Pitaliya is Head of Digital Marketing at Radixweb, a global Web Application Development Company. She is a leading brand strategist, a dynamic creative and marketing consultant whose passion lies in building diverse teams that can deliver unmatched capacities in the field of cutting-edge technology