15 Modern Web Design Elements To Follow in 2022


The visual representation of your website is the first impression you make on the user. It is the reflection of the creativity and technicality you posses. A good web design engages users and brings traffic to it. Web development services focus on website elements offering unique user experience. Approximately 50% of consumers believe that the brands should prioritize web design. It helps establish web presence and create a brand image. 

Let’s discuss the trending modern web design elements you need to know about:

Artificial Intelligence based chatbots have changed the way customer support used to happen a few years back. Easy to integrate into your web design, these programs have become a part of most websites. AI uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to understand human queries. Their major advantage is the 24*7 support and behavior analysis.

AI chatbots that can self-learn in the area of customer support are in the experimental phase.

  • Dark Mode

You might have come across websites that offer light mode and dark mode buttons. An example is YouTube. The dark mode is a part of modern web design today not just because of its feel, but because it has several benefits. It consumes less charge. It reduces blue light emission and causes less strain on the eyes in low light conditions.

  • Video Backgrounds

Videos are a better way of communicating a message as they are not boring for a user and they stick to the memory. Reading texts and deriving meaning is difficult for most people since it requires focus, on the contrary videos are convenient to understand.

Background videos are useful in web design because of these benefits, they give a better interactive feel. Automatic videos are attached to a web page’s background and they start playing as soon as the page gets loaded. A  focused and attractive video can do wonders for your web design.

  • Bold Color Schemes

Modern web designers like to add bold colors to give a vibrant and eye-catchy feel. Depending on your brand’s theme or logo or the emotion it wants to instigate in users, bold colors can be chosen.

For instance, the green color signifies growth, abundance, a new beginning, and renewal. Out of the box, vibrant color palettes can also be generated to get the desired appeal to a web design.

  • Seamless Navigation

A confusing website and slow or stuck navigation is a big turn-off for users. Convenient navigation has become a goal of a great web design and development service.  You should keep a check on how people scroll through and find different pages on your website. Make sure it becomes an effortless job.

Seamless navigation is an element of modern web design that focuses on providing users a smooth visit to every section by integrating menus and buttons. Quick page loading time and easy scrolling make it even better.

  • Call to Action Buttons

Earlier ‘Call-to-actions’ (CTA) were specific to eCommerce websites, contact-button was the only CTA in general web design. In modern design elements of a good web page include differently styled and strategically placed CTA buttons. They can be used to lead users to other pages, to fill query forms, for polls, or conversions.

The only thing to remember is that your CTA button should not irritate a user, rather it should feel like facilitating.

  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs)

It is a fast-growing trend in the area of web designing. It’s an element of modern websites that facilitates users with fast page loading speed. AMPs load within 2 seconds, regardless of the internet bandwidth.

Google and Twitter collaborated to provide users with a faster page load experience and AMP is their joint initiative.

  • Voice Search

This website element has gained popularity because of the convenience it has brought to a user’s life. Optimizing web pages as per voice search has increased the user reach of websites. Soon, voice search combined with AI will provide extraordinary features for web users.

  • Push Notifications 

One of the most popular web elements of progressive web apps. Push notifications are pop-ups that jump out while browsing a website. They can be utilized to convey offers and schemes.

  • Motion UI

It is a design approach that makes a website more responsive and user-friendly. This website element uses custom animation integration and CSS transitions sourced from SAAS libraries. Motion UI assists in designing an interface that guides users and imparts an enjoyable surfing experience.

  • Mobile-Friendly Website Layouts

Smartphones have increased the reach of websites, designers are focussed on creating interfaces that are compatible with mobiles.

Mobile-friendly layouts are now an essential element of modern web design since they affect the popularity and reach of the website directly.

Its goal is to integrate features and design that adjust to a mobile screen and offer a similar or even better experience than a PC.

  • Single Page Applications

This website element is supposed to cover the whole of the web space in near future. Websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Gmail use SPAs. A user can browse through different pages of a website without waiting for the new page to reload.

  • Hero Images

The large background images in the header of the website are called Hero images. These have gained popularity in recent times and have evolved as an attractive design element.

  • Rotated Texts

It gives an eye-catchy and premium appearance to your website. This Website element is widely used now and it’s gaining even more popularity. The luxurious feel of rotated text in the design is loved by users 

  • Augmented Reality

This facilitates users to experience things in their environment with the help of engaging, personalized, and fun designs. This website element is widely used in healthcare, education, and gaming website designs. 

  • Animation

It is used to present users with a 3D feel, graphically interactive menus, and animated CTAs. Animated web design elements can keep users engaged and spend a lot of time on the website.


Web designing is a department that still has a lot to explore. The focus is on user experience and facilitation. The design elements discussed above are widely utilized by web development services to give UX a fine and premium appeal.

To give your users the best experience and win their love for your website the trick will be to research their behavior and needs. Creativity and technique can do the rest, helping you generate unique web design elements.

Author Bio

Rohit Bhateja is the director of the digital division at SunTec India, one of the leading web development company in India. He is a technology enthusiast who loves to write about trending technologies and transformative solutions. He keeps tabs on the latest web and app development technologies and trends that are shaping the industry. He incorporates his extensive experience & expertise in his writings about tech and innovations happening in and around the industry to uncover rich insights that help businesses stay afloat.