Top 6 Cloud Computing Trends for 2022

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has gained popularity in the post-covid era because almost every company had to shift to remote working. And, several companies have made remote working permanent for their employees which means that cloud computing technology is not going away soon.

Cloud solutions have forced organizations around the world to move towards a cloud-first strategy. However, for small companies shifting to cloud storage was a little expensive, so they used PCloud Discount Codes to access the cloud at affordable rates. For the last few years, we are witnessing cloud computing trends, and this year is no different, we have seen several new cloud computing trends for 2022 which are providing an exponential evolution to cloud technologies.

1.  Edge Computing

Edge computing is an emerging cloud trend that involves generating localized data centres for storage near the place it’s being gathered. It doesn’t build data centres thousands of miles away from the central location making the work easier for the companies. This cloud computing trend for 2022 helps in application performances and decreases latency. It assists in saving thousands of dollars for organizations by processing locally to the end user’s device.

Edge computing technology is the hottest topic in the market and it’s only expected to expand in the upcoming years. It offers a big advantage in terms of great connectivity, security, speed of data processing, privacy support, decreases latency, and volumes of transmitted data. Edge computing is not a threat to cloud computing because it is used for time-sensitive data, on the other hand, cloud computing processes data that is not time-driven.

2.  Serverless Computing

Although serverless computing is a relatively new cloud service, demand for it is predicted to increase by 25% by 2025. Since all resources are allotted by the cloud service provider, it is especially useful for software developers who no longer have to manage and maintain network servers. Serverless computing eliminates the requirement for cloud application developers to have comprehensive knowledge of Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Developers can be more productive by focusing on development, UX, and UI rather than IT infrastructure because they need to communicate with the serverless interface. Expect to see additional developer collaboration solutions to help front-end teams optimise workflow as serverless computing becomes more popular.

3.  Al in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing and artificial intelligence have a mutual relationship with each other. Cloud services assist in democratizing Al by attracting a broader consumer base. It also helps small businesses in accessing Al services and advanced machine learning functions. Combining Al with cloud services is the latest cloud computing trend for 2022 and lets organizations utilise the services of both applications. Al helps the cloud collect and manage data and provide insights, whereas, the cloud offers constant data recovery and backup.

4.  Multi-Ascension Cloud’s

A multi-cloud strategy is used by 93% of all businesses. Businesses can employ two or more cloud services from different cloud service providers using multi-cloud solutions. Businesses may avoid vendor lock-in while still making use of each vendor’s finest cloud solutions. In the future, more organizations will develop multi-cloud strategies with little to no dependence on a specific cloud provider.

To accelerate market launches and time to market for multi-cloud products and services, providers will attempt to form partnerships that combine their mutual capabilities. Microsoft and Oracle, two cloud rivals, have already taken this strategic step, integrating their cloud services and allowing users to run enterprise apps on both Oracle Cloud and Microsoft Azure.

5.  Cloud Gaming

It is one of the emerging cloud computing trends for 2022 that lets users stream a virtually unlimited option of games. It lets one person play on any device including a laptop, smartphone, or desktop without buying any expensive console. Professional gamers have found cloud technology as a new form of playing a wide range of options at a normal monthly fee. It has increased the demand and engagement of several multiplayer in the gaming industry.

The technology removed the users to have extra storage space, hardware, and all the privacy issues. Some big players in the market of cloud gaming are Apple, Amazon, Google, Samsung, Sony, and Microsoft. Cloud gaming is sustainable and lower in cost as compared to other technologies, and soon it will be seen as the platform of choice for players.

6.    Hybrid Cloud and Multi-Cloud Infrastructure

Hybrid services are about integrating strengths rather than making compromises between techniques. Data that requires regular access might be stored on public servers, while more sensitive information can be stored on private servers with restricted access. Businesses can benefit from the best of both worlds with a well-balanced hybrid strategy.

Most businesses have progressed beyond the initial step of transferring part of their workloads from on-premises to a single cloud provider and are now ready to fully embrace the experience. As a result, they have to deal with multi-cloud setups, where several services from various vendors are employed. The multi-cloud approach enables businesses to select the cloud services that are most suited to their specific application environments, business requirements, and availability requirements. Instead of making tradeoffs between methodologies, hybrid services focus on integrating strengths. Public servers may be used to store data that requires frequent access, while private servers with restricted access can be used to store more sensitive information. With a well-balanced hybrid strategy, businesses may get the best of both worlds.

Most companies have advanced past the initial step of moving a portion of their workloads to a single cloud provider and are now ready to fully embrace the experience. As a result, they must cope with multi-cloud configurations, in which multiple suppliers’ services are used. Businesses can use the multi-cloud approach to choose the cloud services that are most suited to their application environments, business needs, and availability requirements.

Last Words

In short, we have discussed cloud computing trends for 2022, the cloud is the most popular technology in the last few years. It became a trend that provides innovation, flexibility, and saves costs. Almost all business operations need cloud services nowadays, and there’s no doubt that the cloud is the future of technology.