Meaning and Importance of Financial Technology, aka Fintech

Financial Technology

The term “fintech” refers to new technology that aims to enhance and simplify the distribution and usage of financial services. Fintech, at its most basic level, is used to assist organizations, company owners, and individuals in effectively managing their financial activities, procedures, and lifestyles via the use of software applications and algorithms that run on computers and, progressively, cellphones. The term “fintech” is a mix of “financial technology” and “financial innovation.”

Fintech also encompasses the creation and usage of digital currencies like bitcoin. You can connect this with reseller hosting if you use websites for businesses reselling cryptocurrencies.

Fintech: An Introduction

Fintech today refers to a wide range of financial operations that may be performed without the help of a human, such as currency transactions, depositing a paycheck with your cellphone, avoiding a bank office to apply for credit, and obtaining funds for a company beginning, or monitoring your investments.

The most well-known fintech firms all have one thing in common: they’re built to threaten, confront, and potentially displace established traditional banking providers by being more agile, servicing an underserved group, or delivering faster and exemplary service.

Fintech’s Horizons are Intensifying

Until financial services firms provided a wide range of services under one roof, traditional banking activities and mortgage and trade services were all included in the scope of these services. Fintech organizational priorities these services into special offers in their most basic form. Fintech organizations can be more productive and decrease expenses related to each transaction by combining simplified services with technology.

Many fintech developments have disrupted traditional trade, accounting, investment planning, and goods, with financial services formerly the domain of branches, salespeople, and PCs, moving to mobile devices or just democratizing away from massive, entrenched organizations.

The Fintech Scene

According to Crunchbase, which listed 25 fintech billionaires worldwide valued at $83.8 billion, fintech firms raised $17.4 billion in fundraising in 2016 and were on track to surpass that amount by late 2017. By the end of 2018, the same group estimated startups valued at $147.37 billion.

North America creates most financial companies, with Asia coming in second. In the first quarter of 2018, global fintech funding reached a new record, owing to a substantial increase in transactions in North America.

Fintech and Regulation

Financial services are one of the world’s most severely regulated industries. Regulators have surfaced as the top issue among states as fintech startups take off, unsurprising.

Regulatory issues for financial services organizations have risen as integrating technology into their procedures. In some instances, the issues are caused by technological advancements. In other cases, they show the tech industry’s eagerness to disrupt banking.

There have also been occasions where a technological culture that believes in “Move fast and break stuff” collided with the cautious and risk-averse finance world, resulting in unfavorable outcomes.

It’s challenging to establish a single, comprehensive strategy for these concerns due to the diversity of fintech offers and the numerous sectors its impacts. Governments have primarily relied on existing legislation, which has been tweaked in some circumstances, to regulate fintech.

They’ve set up fintech sandboxes to assess the industry’s technological ramifications. The European Union’s adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation, which establishes a framework for collecting and utilizing personal data, is another attempt to restrict the amount of user information available to banks.


In terms of consumers, like with most technologies, the younger you are, the more likely you are to know what fintech is and be able to define it effectively. Given the massive population and growing income power of that much-discussed demographic, consumer-focused fintech is primarily geared at millennials.