Content Marketing and Ecommerce: 10 Tips For Maximizing Online Sales

Content Marketing

If you’re serious about turning your business into a successful online store, the first thing you need for that to happen is a plan in place. To build your plan, you have to have a good idea of where your business is now and where you want it to be down the road. 

Using content marketing as a strategy, you may establish your company as a top leader in your field. It’s one of the most effective ways to increase brand awareness and generate leads, but it can be difficult to implement correctly. If done correctly, content marketing can help you market your business by increasing the number of your organic traffic and sales. Here are 10 tips for content marketing that will help you leverage your sales online.

1. Create One Page Website

The first tip is to create a one-page website that provides all the information a visitor needs to know about your product or service. The more you provide clear information, the greater chance you entice potential customers to try your product or service.

Furthermore, part of monitoring your website is to make sure that it has a clear call-to-action (CTA) so that visitors can quickly click through it and make an order. You can also use CTAs in blogs and social media posts to direct people back to your site for more information about your products or services.

2. Write Engaging Blog Posts

Blogging has always been a great form of content marketing. Blogging allows you to build connections with your audience and develop a reputation as a specialist in your field. Your blog posts should be more than just boring product descriptions or instructions on how to use something — they should be interesting, informative, and entertaining enough that people want to read them again and again.

3. Add Videos To Your Product Pages

This isn’t about your typical “buy now” links for products in your product descriptions or calls to action that encourage people to buy. Instead, we’re referring to articles, videos, and other forms of visual content that help build your brand and encourage people to purchase from you.

Videos are great at conveying a lot of information quickly, especially if they show how easy it is to use a product. If you create videos related to your products, potential customers can get an idea of how they work, what they look like, etc. Think of it as giving them a demonstration without having to leave home! 

4. Create a Helpful E-book Or Guidebook

E-books and white papers can be incredibly effective for educating new customers about the benefits of your product or service. If you’re selling a product that requires assembly, create an instructional guide that leads readers through the process step by step. You can use animated images and videos to illustrate different steps and make sure you include links to helpful resources that can provide more information on each topic covered in the e-book.

5. Make Your Pages Search Engine Friendly

Optimize your pages for search engines. Use keywords in your copy and titles, include meta descriptions and alt tags on images, add links to related topics and create an XML sitemap. The more relevant information you provide about your products and services, the higher they’ll rank in search results. And if a visitor clicks on your link and finds something that matches their query perfectly, then they’ll stay on your site longer and make more purchases. 

6. Build a Social Media Presence

Social media is one of the most effective ways to reach potential customers and build relationships with them. You can share photos or videos of your products on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, or create a dedicated page on Pinterest where people can pin your items and share them with their followers. You can use hashtags on Twitter and Instagram to ensure that people searching for specific products will see yours as well as other related posts in their feed. And if you have a smartphone app or website widget, you can offer special discounts via social media whenever someone shares a link to your website or app with their friends on Facebook or Twitter — this will help drive traffic back to your site while also encouraging others to make purchases themselves!

7. Consider Trying Sponsored Posts And Ads

One way to boost your online presence is to partner with other brands and websites. This can take several forms: You may want to sponsor a blog post or social media post, or even offer a free trial on products in exchange for exposure. 

You can also create an email marketing campaign which is effective if you’re trying to reach customers who are likely to be interested in your product. 

8. Offer Free Shipping Promotions

Offering free shipping on all orders is a great way to entice your customers into buying more than they otherwise would have. You’ll also need to make sure you’re able to fulfill the orders promptly — or risk losing customers due to late delivery.

9. Leverage Customer Reviews And Testimonials

Customer reviews are one of the most effective ways to build trust with your customers, which is crucial for e-commerce businesses. Having a large number of testimonials on your website can also increase your conversion rate by as much as 50%.

Here’s how you can use customer reviews and testimonials to drive sales:

  1. Ask for reviews after every purchase. According to a study by Bazaarvoice, more than 70% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase decision. Asking customers to leave feedback after they’ve received their item will encourage them to write a review on your site. You can ask for feedback on social media or send out an email asking them if they’d be willing to review your products or services.
  2. Encourage customers to share photos of their purchases with you via social media or email. These photos become helpful content that you can use for social media posts or blog posts about products people like best or would recommend others try out. Plus, it gives them an easy way to share their positive experience with others who might want to buy from you as well!
  3. Know Your Competitors

Know your competitors and see how they’re reaching out to customers by creating educational content that helps them solve problems or learn new skills. You can even reach out directly through social media if you see an opportunity for collaboration or sharing resources with each other’s audiences in some way (e.g., guest posting). This will help you understand what works well for other companies in your industry and give you ideas for similar things that could work.


By making sure you’re incorporating the above tips into your online business, you’ll be able to improve your sales substantially. So make sure you’re putting these tips into practice today and watch your e-commerce business grow in leaps and bounds!


Angel Bacasmas is a PR Outreach Specialist at VEED.IO. She is passionate about the arts, music, and fashion and spends most of her free time reading books, watching movies, and playing sports.