How To Increase Your Distance When Using Aircraft Radios


When it comes to aircraft radios, the frequencies they use are very specific and typically need to be turned off during flight so that airplanes can communicate with ground stations. Luckily, there is an easy fix that can help pilots get ahead of one another by reducing the distance between planes of aircraft.

Learn how to increase your distance when using aircraft radios, including why a simple mistake is causing you to have distorted communications. This tricky situation wouldn’t be such an issue if there was a way for pilots individually or as a group to review their individual information.

Electronic devices such as aircraft band frequency radios allow for people to transmit and receive messages from one another. They offer an exciting and possibility-filled way for people to connect. However, it is also just as easy to misuse these electronic devices in order to interfere with other communications on the same frequency. In order to avoid getting into an embarrassing situation where you say something misleading over your radio, it is important to know how far certain known frequencies are from the pilot.

What Are Aircraft Radios And Who Uses Them?

Aircraft radios are extremely useful, as you can broadcast your voice to the airplanes in the skies around you. These radios could save lives in disaster situations or make emergency aid get there faster.

Many people have personal aircraft radios nowadays, and they like to answer air traffic control with short, clear responses. However, it can be hard to find planes if you don’t know where they’re located. This tool is also useful if you want to fly commercially because many airlines use aircraft radios for safe communication.

Helicopters can’t manually fly down, so to communicate from the airborne aircraft to ground level, and vice versa, the pilot has to communicate via radio. Aircraft radios can only transmit a limited distance due to radar obstructions on the ground or other interference like cellphone networks. Proximity beacons help aircraft pilots measure their range of communication and can even be turned into precision landing systems by using GPS technology.

Types Of Terms You Should Know

When listening to an aircraft radio, there are a few terms you should know in order to increase your distance from the aircraft. When you hear two people speaking on one frequency, it can be hard to distinguish between the man asking, “Unidentified traffic, do you read?” and the woman who replies with “This is Echo 1-7.” Most pilots are familiar with these words, but they are difficult to understand without understanding what they mean. Terms that might not be as familiar include BFRU and IAFU where BFRN stands for Beacon frame rate number and IAFU stands for International airport frequency. If a pilot has these terms ringing in his or her head while scanning frequencies, they will increase their distance from the aircraft.

The terms used in aviation range from the simple to the complex. Some are beginner terms and some are very technical. This can make it hard for someone just beginning to understand what is happening during conversations about aviation. They might not know about commonly accepted words such as ‘approach’, ‘go around’, or ‘forcibly’. Below, I will discuss common words that any airplane user should be familiar with.

Factors that Affect Airborne Radio Frequency Availability

Aircraft radios are important pieces of gear that are used in many environments. They are being used more and more when communicating over radio frequency because it’s difficult to get a clear view of where others are standing. In order to help ensure an appropriate transmission range, you should consider these factors which will either lengthen the distance your radio will relay messages or make your radio easier to pick up.

There are a few factors that come into play when trying to pick a radio system. That includes the budget, terrain, distance, and communications in question. Factors like these can affect how frequencies are used.

How To Increase Your Distance When Using Aircraft Radios

Aircraft radios have become a necessity since they have replaced the traditional land-line systems. However, many pilots often feel that their radios are too limited and fall short of what’s expected out of it. To increase your distance, you should use the following steps:

Being located in a mountainous region, it is more difficult to receive signals from distant planes. If the use aircraft radios and have trouble getting in touch with the pilots’ frequency, there are some easy steps and process to help increase the reach of their radios. The first step is they  should find the transmitter direction on the map to avoid having any interference or overload. They should be equipped with long antennae that should be placed near windows or on top of radio cabinets–to help increase their chances of success during an emergency check-in. Next, they should put out a few extra watts of power into the radios–potentially increasing their range by up to 1/3rd of what would normally be possible after following these steps.

Tips For Finding Airspace

When using aircraft radios, it is important to find airspace. If the user wants to travel above 10,000 feet, they will need to be in Class A airspace. This warns air traffic and other pilots that the pilot wishes to share the airspace with them.

If the user would like to travel below 10,000 feet, they will want to be in Class G airspace. This sends a signal to all ground stations that there is no one in the airspace with them and sees them as an unknown.

Relations D’angely if they don’t want to use these channels, they can just not pick up their radio and still communicate indirectly with ground traffic by marking their position.


Radio receivers as a whole are powered by a battery typically to harness power, and charge its internal memory.

The formula for calculating how far you can walk is

pre-ground speed = sqrt(distance/time)

and you then, knowing the distance and the time, can solve for the speed.

The best way to increase your distance when using aircraft radios is to use proper radiotelephone separation. Radiotelephone separation refers to the radio/voice communication principle of never operating simultaneously on any two transmitters or receivers without an intervening path for the electromagnetic waves imposed by one station to pass around, over or under the other in a non-interfering operation. Adjustments in this technique are made for the weak signal conditions present when tunneling underground, spanning long distance boundaries, using composites and 2-way ground-to-air systems.